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Travis immediately pulled away and look at laurence with a sweat drop.

"I didn't do anything I swear!" Travis said as he ran behind Dante. I roll my eyes and look at Laurence who looked annoyed.

"Calm down already" I say patting my brother.

"You never told me you had a girlfriend laurence!" Dante said looking at Laurence and I.  I burst out laughing and Laurence does as well.

"I'm his sister!" Dante started to 'oh' as it was starting to make sense.

"And to think these were the friends I wanted you to meet" Laurence said face palming which made me giggle.

"What don't we start over" I suggested.

"Sounds great" Dante said in a flirty tone which annoyed Laurence.

"Good idea"

"Hm well class is about to start soon, when don't we meet up at that cafe around the corner?" Not a bad idea.

"A cafe? Why-

I let let out a  squeal. "Let's go!" I said while high fiving Laurence. Then the two minute bell rang which made me stop. "I'm gonna be late!" I yell as I start running to my class.

"She's cute" I hear Dante say as I sprint to my class.

What a nice way to start my day






We're my classes this boring. I let out a sigh. It was almost lunch time, my favorite pastime!

(A/N: So random lol)

I walk to my locker to grab my lunch when I hear someone clear their throat and say my name.

I turn around.


"I just wanted to say sorry for the other day. I... I have no excuse for my actions and if you would like to report me I wouldn't stop. I would just like to say... please give me a second chance." He looked sincere, he took his arm that was behind his back and took it out revealing flowers. "Here, it's just an apology present" He said handing it to me. No one's... ever given me flowers before. I blush at the thought of it.

"Th-Thank you" I manage to say still astonished. He smiled and nodded

"And I know I'm pushing it but, maybe you'd like to hang out with us?" I bite my lip. I mean it couldn't hurt, unlike last time.

I think it's a win win situation. This was apart of Zane's favor, and hopefully he'll tell me about Garroth and Laurences fight.

"Sure." He then again smiled.

"Thanks for the second chance... Hm, would you like to hang out after school today?" Gah! Laurence wanted to take me out with his friends.

"Not today, I'm meeting some of my brothers friends. Some other day perhaps?" I say respectfully declining.

"Totally! Just let me know. Anyways see ya around" He said waving goodbye at me then walking away with his hands in his pockets. what an odd and interesting guy.






I was waiting for Laurence at my locker. It was five minutes after school. And I'm impatient. I also felt kinda stupid since I was holding a bag with flowers.

I look around in all directions when I felt something against my legs. I look down and see it was papers.

I tilt my head confused and see that someone had dropped them. I see this person crouch down and I help them pick up their papers. I take quick glance at them and see their grades.

C's and B's, average grades. I had already picked up what I could find and look at the person.

"Hey, I think these are your-" I say handing the pile I had collected to them.

The look at me and it took my by surprise.



"U-Um here!" I say, holding the papers out to him. He grabbed them and stares organizing them in his folder.

"Thanks I guess."

"... I'm taking your dumb deal by the way... " I grumble.

"Heh, great. Remember, don't perceive me as a wimp make me sound cool" I laugh at his choice of vocabulary. Cool? Wimp? Heh. "What's so funny"


"What's with the flowers" Zane asked after we stood (A/N: 'stood' somehow auto corrected into Boris. Don't ask) up.

"Oh um it's funny, you know them to, G-"

"Garroth?" Zane said, With an obvious tome in his voice.

"What? No. It was Gene" I said, I was a bit suprised when he had said Garroth. Why would garroth get me flowers? I grab my bag and put them in front of me to show Zane. "Aren't they pretty though?" I said holding the bag out for Zane to take a look. He grabbed the bag and merely shrugged before heading him back, but not before--

"It was bad enough that I caught Travis hugging my sister. But you, Zane out of all people giving her flowers?"


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