Chapter 30: Food for thought

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*Author's notes*


I've been getting a bit of writer's block lately sorry...

I feel all I do here is apologize (sorry) BUT SCHOOL IS KILLING ME,it's been one month and I've had 10 exams and that is terrible.




-Eat a little! Come on!- I begged Ludwig just to eat one little bite of pudding.

-Nien it has too much sugar,and you shouldn't be eating that anyway!- he said.

-It's especially ordered,I waited a long time for this to be delivered,now open wide and eat!- I ordered a special chocolate-vanilla pudding with cream and I was being nice for sharing it.

-Is that pudding?- Arthur asked. -I actually have some food i Meade myself!- he said proudly. He opened his bento-like lunch box and...

English cooking has a reputation of being bad already and this was terrible. I could hear from a distance some unmanly french screaming.

-Well,that's not the dessert...- said Arthur angrily when he saw everyone's reaction to his cooking skills. Then he opened a little red package with a bow on it.

-Woah! Arthur-san,that looks delicious.- said Kiku. All sorts of treats were packed there:cookies,muffins,homemade candy. And it all looked very good to me!

-You can have some Isabel,dear. My mum made too much actually. Here.- he handed me a piece of a sugar cookie. And of course I ate it

-HMM! This tastes so good!- I said.

-Doesn't it?- said Arthur,almost frying from happiness. Valeria looked at me from a distance and I heard her say

-Don't tell me Isa had the same bad taste as my brother...-

After school,I had a meeting with Elizaveta to go eat some waffles near the museum in the Chico park. I didn't tell Ludwig because he would probably get mad if he knew I was eating "too much sugar". I waited patiently when I saw Elizaveta rushing and saying

-Isabel-chan! Hey! Meet Emma-chan!- she said as she hugged me. Behind her came a girl with blond,short hair with a red bow ties around her head.

It was Belgium! Emma Peeters!

-Hello! Nice to meet you!- she said cheerfully as she hugged me too.

-I'm Isabel.- I said smiling.

-Isabel-chan is Ludwig's girlfriend!- said Liz patting my head.

-Oh! So cute! Ah! There it is!- said Emma as she spotted a truck that said in big golden letters "Belgian Waffles". We walked/ran pass a fountain.

-Lets go!- said Liz as she grabbed my hand. The man in the truck greeted us and then asked

-What do you want? We have waffles with chocolate sauce,caramel,Nutella and berries too!-

-I want two please,it's hard to find good waffles here! They are so tasteless and taste like merde!- said Emma doing a sour face. The clerk then said

-It's your lucky day,miss! This company was founded by a Belgian family that said the same,so these waffles sure are Belgian!- he then got the two waffles Emma ordered and handed them.

-I want one with caramel.- I said as Emma began to chow down her two waffles.

-Make it two.- said Liz.

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