Did You Leave Morgan Un-abused?

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I worked quietly in the front room on my computer programs. I can work in complete darkness, so I have the light-blocking shades pulled in the front room. The only light entering the master bedroom is from up the hall in the living room and the screen on my computer turned all the way down. 

It is calm and cool and peaceful in the house. I could hear Morgan's even breathing and slowed heartbeat when I focused. She is not faking. She is sound asleep.

Jessica came and went in the dark hallway, checking on Morgan. Dropping into my room. Kissing the back of my neck. I am still a bit mad, but she smelled and felt good.

By unspoken agreement, we are not going to wake Morgan up until she woke of her own accord. We should have known that Morgan is not going to rely upon us. In not exactly the Doctor prescribed four hours later, but close enough that Morgan must have some sort of internal alarm clock, I heard the shower crank up. So did Jessica. She went in to check on her sleep-deprived patient. I stayed out, still smarting from the sex maniac and related comments.

The door is wide open, so it is easy to hear them talking. Morgans voice echoed from the shower room.

Jessica told Morgan "I washed your things, and laid them on the bed. You have clean everything."

"Not everything." Morgan replied "But that was not required. You are not my maid service and my Doctor too."

Jessica replied mirthfully: "I am not talking about your mind. You have had that for years. We call that a pre-existing condition. This is not the house or the people to be dealing with such things unless you want pointers on making your mind even dirtier. No: Just your clothes were cleaned. Nothing we have here would have fit you very well. Deal with it."

"I am perfectly content to have clean clothes and I do thank you. It is only that I have some in the car. You literally did not need to do that."

"Oh. Well. Whatever. Now you still have clean clothes in the car. Knowing you, that can't be a bad thing to have. Stakeouts and all that."

"It is a glamorous life." Morgan agreed. She changed the subject "This shower is amazing. You have orgies in here?"

"I mentioned before you went to sleep that Adrian is a sex maniac, right?"

"Yes, you did. You threatened me with him. Him with me." I could hear the amusement in Morgan's voice. She decided it had not been a serious threat. I am not so sure still.

Jessica's voice sounded slightly... Wistful?. "This was his shower before I met him. You can do the math from there. I am sure Vera spent many hours cavorting in here. Bent over that Jacuzzi perhaps. God knows what or who else. Many other who's, more than likely, and all at once."

"So, the actual question is when do you not have orgies in here then." Morgan concluded.

"Exactly." My loyal wife agreed

This is entirely too much abuse. I walked into the room and stood outside the shower next to Jessica. "You know I can hear you. Right?" I asked her.

"What about it? You going to deny the charges?" Jessica asked me.

"Why? Already convicted." I addressed the shower door. "Hey, Morgan. If you need any help washing that beautiful long hair let me know." 

A heartbeat of silence. I let it go one beat, then added "I can send in Jessica. Jessica is really good at it, having such long hair of her own, and she recently started to dig showering with girls. Some girls. I'm sure you're on the list."

Jessica raised her eyebrows at the points scored, but is not one to let anything like that pass. She addressed the door. "You are on the list, Morgan. It would drive Adrian utterly nuts to think of me washing your hair, without him being in the middle of it."

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