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My Mom is one of the best Doctors on the planet. I had no time to worry about her and what she is about to know. I made a unilateral decision on the spot, damn the consequences later.

At first, Mom had no idea anything is up. "Hi, Adrian. How are you this evening?" That did not last. She saw my face. "What's up, dear? You look terrible."

I went to the back of the car, opened the hatch. "Mom. We need your help. Helen has been stabbed. With a spear."

Mom looked in, evaluated, said "Why did you bring her here? We need to get her to a hospital. Now." She said that in medical professional command tones, and was amazed when it had zero effect on us.

Rachel came around, and started to lift and pull the table Helen is on out, Jessica on the other end.

Mom urgently waved her hands for Rachel to stop "What are you doing? She needs to be in hospital. Now!" Mom repeated, even more urgently, not used to people ignoring her when she spoke like that.

Jessica cut that off at the knees. She can do a medical emergency voice too. "No, Mom. We cannot take her to a hospital. It's complicated. We have a surgery facility here."

Mom looked at me, and I confirmed with a nod "No hospital Mom. That's final. Excuse me. I need to help."

Morgan screeched to a halt behind the Pilot and flew out of the little car to join us.

I took the end of the table from Jessica, and we started to the stairs on the side of the garage. Mom got it, and ran ahead, up the stairs, opening the door to the former mother-in-law over the garage. I went up first, bending low, holding the table carefully level. Rachel extended her arms. I called out the cadence.

"Step. Step. Step. Step...." The table steady and flat the entire way up. We were very careful with our precious cargo.

Bright, white lights went on, flooding the small landing and steps. We got up and level, and navigated the doorway, careful not to bump either door jam in the slightest. The white light inside revealed a neat little fully equipped operating room. All part of Jessica's plan to deal with possible complications from being pregnant and having to deliver here.

Morgan paced us up the stairs waiting on the top step until we got inside before joining us.

Once inside, Morgan moved directly to helping Jessica get the operating table rolled out, and locked down. It is massive but portable. The wheels locked, and the table lifted off the wheels with snap-down legs operating by big black pedals. There came eight snaps in rapid succession.

"Morgan. I need these please." Jessica said and pointed at side tables, and Morgan wordlessly started rolling them up.

Jessica quickly set up a folding table that she put beside the operating table, and then motioned for us to set Helen's door on top of that. Rachel and I stood there watching the flurry of activity, the Helen and her door between us. We carefully set her down next to the operating table.

Jessica gave Helen a quick once over. She nodded. "Ok. Good. Transfer her to the table. Adrian: Around the front. Hold up her middle. Don't let her bend a millimeter. Rachel, take her legs." Jessica took her shoulders, and we lifted her easily to the operating table. "Mother fucker!" Helen said in pain, her first exclamation of the night. Oddly, hearing that pain, I was relieved by the energy it contained.

My Mom looked around the room wordlessly, taking in the equipment with experienced eyes. Stainless steel everywhere. Glass front cabinets lined with bottle and boxes. The matching glass front refrigerator filled with rows of bottles of tiny bottles. Oxygen bottles. Face masks. Another set of bottles I know to be anesthesia. Everything a modern OR needs, right down to the sharps disposal box on the wall. It is all the very best money can buy. Any trauma center would feel comfortable working with this gear. I could see the wheels turning on Mom's face.

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