The King's Rival

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When we got back to the Lobby of the resort, total chaos reigned. Vampires stood around looking at the blood on the floor, smelling it and chattering excitedly. There is not going to be any chance of keeping this whole thing covered up, other than the reason for it.

When we entered the large room, I pointed at the sword and told Morgan "At one point, William grabbed the sword by the blade, near the center. Should be nice, clear prints there."

"Perfect." She replied, and started to pull on rubber gloves. I guess detectives always have those with them.

Jessica went over to the largest mass of Vampires, standing near the pool of Helen's blood. I followed her over. Even now, I am invisible to most of these women.

Jessica picked out Becky. We know her from my probation committee and she is Council. Jessica pulled Becky aside and told her without preamble "Helen's going to be OK. I patched her up and she is home resting."

Becky is not functioning as the Pastor of a Colorado church right now. She is in full on Councilwoman mode. With a toss of her head at the blood, she asked: "How did this happen? What happened?"

I looked over at Morgan, who studied the blade critically. She noticed and nodded at me positively. The prints are there. I wanted to go to work with her. Be doing something positive. Morgan carefully leaned the sword against a stone pillar, and pulled out her phone, activating the camera, and started taking pictures of the room from all angles. The floor. The blood. The bloody footprints where people accidentally stepped into one of the many spots of blood around the room.

With a grim satisfaction very unlike me, I knew some of this blood is from the bastard, William. Morgan and I put it there. This new person I have become is happy for any pain William is in, and my part in creating that pain.

I remembered the hole Morgan put into his leg. I sincerely hoped with black humor that it hurt like hell.

Jessica told Becky in controlled, matter of fact tones "We were attacked for reasons unknown by the little red-headed Vampire that calls himself William. He kept going on about wanting to know more about the Sirens. He fought four of us off, and managed to run Helen through with the spear from that suit of arms."

Victoria came over to where the three of us stood, looking very angry and also controlled, at the same time. She had been listening even though I did not see her in the crowd. We would have taken this report to her if we had. "William? I thought there to be something weird and off about him. I could not figure it out. Still, why did he attack?"

Jessica shrugged. Her anger allowed her to hide any half-truths behind the larger facts. "Who knows. What I do know is this: William is no ordinary male Vampire. He is strong. Stronger than I am."

That caused a glance of something like disbelief between the two Council members. Concern, even fear in the mix.

I decided to lay it out there. It is my theory, after all. Part of me wanted to keep this to myself so I could hunt him, but a smarter part realized we all need to know this, and the more of us that are hunting him the better chance we have of finding and ending William. "Becky, Victoria: I am moderately sure that we are facing the King. The real honest to god feared and hated male Vampire of legend. He is like no other Vampire I have ever scented. I cannot explain it. He is ancient." I paused, thinking, added for effect: "How old do you need to be, as a Vampire, to have wrinkles? He has them."

Victoria looked at Jessica, who nodded once in affirmation of what I am saying.

Victoria crossed her arms and managed to look even angrier. "So now this Conclave is not only about the Sirens, but the Conqueror too?!?. Fuck. Me." It is the first time I ever heard her swear. The doomsday clock advanced another minute towards midnight.

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