Fertile Union

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"No. I only know what I have been told. No female Vampires ever got pregnant either before now so..." I gave her open palms. Classic 'hell if I know'.

"If they even knew it is possible I am not sure they would tell you, the male Vampire. Vampire society is designed around one thing: please don't bite the girls. Vampires as a species actively work against creating more of their own kind. Then there is this point: if a male Vampire gets a human woman pregnant, how does she know?". Morgan sipped and looked at me.

"Meaning she was bitten, told to forget about the whole thing, and one day she finds herself pregnant and thinks it was either another man or Virgin birth?"

Morgan seemed to think that summary fair. "Possibly. Something along those lines to be sure."

"The funny thing is that there are female Sirens, and the Vampires never knew that. They have been having sex with them for years too, and never figured it out."

"You know this for a fact?" Morgan is one to pin things down.

I did not have it as a fact. "Let's call it a near statistical certainty. I know for a fact that Vampires had no idea there is a female version of a Siren until I figured it out. Further, some or maybe most female Sirens don't know what they are either. Statistically, over the ages, that means it is likely Vampires have had sex with Sirens. Had to happen. Math is math. No way it didn't. Hell, I dated one for seven years when I was human. We had sex."

"Ah. Yes. Vera. Your brother hated her."

'Poor Vera' I thought. "Everyone I knew hated her, other than me."

Morgan was openly curious. "Why do you think that is?"

I gave my best theory on that. "I think it is because she is a Siren. Acted like one. I was the only one getting laid out of the deal. Everyone else got the attitude. The shallowness of moral character. Siren women are far deeper than the men, by the way."

"So, while you were getting laid, I assume with frequency, Vera never got pregnant. You were human then of course. Did you use protection?" Morgan asked.

A lot to answer there. "Never got pregnant far as I know. She said she was on the pill. She recently confessed she was not, and that she thought I would have 'done the right thing', as she put it. It was an on and off relationship. Very sad really. The sex was good, and I kept waiting for her to grow up. Does not say much about me."

Morgan gave me big moon-shaped eyes to go with her sarcasm. "You like sex. Shocking. Seems most everyone has at least one one-night stand in their life these days. Big deal." Then more speculatively she added: "You feel guilty about getting Helen pregnant...?"

"Yes and no. Fucking Puritans. I did at first, but when she wanted the baby so much it was easy to get over that. Rachel made that easier too because she wanted the baby. So what is worse is not the result but that I feel guilty that I enjoyed being with her. My programming is still pretty human in those areas. Maybe human is not the right term. Very American. I'm pretty open-minded for a human, but I don't have the long-term Vampire Poly perspective yet."

"Of course not. How could you? Getting the perspective will not be enjoyable either. You will have to watch your human friends grow old and die. We have the same life span relative to you that our dogs and cats have with us, if not worse. For William, and I refuse to think of him as a King, we humans are but blips." Morgan did not cheer me with that.

"In summary, I think that if a Siren or human woman could get pregnant by a male Vampire it would take one who is like me. At the very least a Male Vampire that has a genetic variation that bypasses the eggs selective permeability. Your human ovum would need to think you and I are the same species, by whatever that lock and key mechanism is. Would my pheromones do that? No idea. If my mother is right, you might also need to drink my blood... But that may only be a Vampire thing."

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