Sexual Slavery is Verbotten

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Helen and Morgan talked. Jessica and I listened.

Morgan laid out the various groups, and where they sourced their sex slaves from. Dates. Times. Pictures. Morgan is really good at her job. It is quite nauseating to see how well these people planned. How well protected they are. Two of the biggest customers own their own cable channels on religious TV.

Not programs. Channels.

Uncovering all of this is not why Helen hired Morgan. She is not after the sex slave trade. Well, She had not been before now. Helen originally wanted to be sure there are no repercussions from the cancellations and date moves with what, according to the previous owner, are customers that pay well.

When Morgan finished laying it out, Helen had an idea, and I loved it.

"Morgan: Are you connected in any way to the data you collected?" Helen asked her at the end of the data dump.

"No. I kept my name away from the investigation. None of these people knew I was looking into them. I might be on a few ATM camera's along the way, but nothing should connect me to this. When I realized what I found, I made sure to be even more careful than normal. These perverts possess great power and influence."

"I have a friend who works at the New York Times. If I give her this data, we can blow this open, and let the human law deal with it."

"Sure. I am surprised you do not want to do this yourself, knowing you." Morgan said.

Helen frowned "I have other responsibilities right this moment. I will hold that option in reserve."

Morgan did not push it. "I assume you are referring to Rachel? At the Times?"

"Yes. I did not know you knew her." Helen replied

"Yes. We met. I know her well enough to know how she feels about you, for example."

Helen leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms "Then you know her well. Rachel is not a revealing person outside of people that she knows and trusts."

"Rachel was helpful when I looked for my mother." Morgan explained.

Since Morgan is being more open than usual, I decided to pry. "Morgan: Have you ever thought of trying to become a Vampire? If your mother turned, I think you would be genetically more likely to turn as well. Being a Vampire would be really useful as a PI, I would think."

"I have considered it." Morgan admitted.

"You would make an excellent Vampire." Helen told her.

"Thank you, Helen. Are you offering to bite me, Adrian?" Morgan asked. Not flirtatious: A question only. She did look between Jessica and Helen, and somehow I knew she knows more than she is saying about those two and I.

"I did not really consider the conversion process." I admitted."I only wondered if you, knowing about Vampires, and Vampire abilities were ever interested in becoming one."

"It would be nice to be able to live as long as my mother. Maybe somewhere over that time, we would learn to get along better. She, for example, is not happy that at my age I am still single and have given her no grandchildren. In point of fact, at my age, that ship sailed. Doctors do not recommend having children when you are over forty years of age."

Morgan looked at me. "As you say, Adrian, the vision and hearing would be useful as a PI. However at best my chances are one in twenty-five hundred I would estimate. Still long odds. I would not get my hopes up."

She then glanced Helen's way. "Should I ever decide to take such odds, no offense Helen, I would prefer to bitten by a male Vampire. Prefer, not an absolute requirement, given the subject we are discussing. It is a one-time thing, so I am not saying 'no'. It is preferred since it is, as I understand it, an intimate act."

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