No Sex, Helen

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My point is actually about sex. "If I am right, and he has me as a captive, that fits into his overall plan. He does not need to have sex with a Vampire. A human or a Siren woman will do. Expose her to my exohormonal influence, and screw her till she can't walk for a few weeks. Maybe he gets babies that way. Part Vampire, part Siren. I don't know."

Helen was a bit scornful "What does he want with babies? Hardly the kind of man that would hang around raising his brood."

"This is part of it I do not understand. If this were primal urges, it would be easy. Why do baboons kill rival males children? Because they want their genes to reign supreme. I think William is an alpha male. I licked his blood off my knife after I cut him, and it was like 'Alpha Male' in flashing neon lights. I think he is driven to fill the world with more copies of himself. It's too big for only him to run the place anymore. Maybe he is old and tired but wants to leave a legacy. It's weak, but it's all I can think of at the moment."

Helen stood up, experimentally twisting about. Stretching ever so gingerly her torso. I dropped my hand with regret.

Jessica pointed out: "You know, genetically speaking, the idea that you are so rare is not an evolutionary advantage for Vampires. Evolution needs diversity. It needs mutations. You should not be the father of every possible Vampire/Vampire or any other combination offspring. As nice as your genes are, they should not be everywhere. By that I mean, every woman. Even beehives split out. Queens mate with multiple Drones from different hives. New drones emerge. Genetic diversity is maintained."

I love Jessica but sometimes she is such a female Vampire. "My love, I am not supposed to *be* the only one."

I let her work it out.

"Ah. Because of the male Vampire mortality rate. The female Vampire induced mortality rate." Jessica said, snapping to my point immediately.

Helen became irritated. "Yes, yes. We women are all shite. I am not going to apologize for something that happened in the past."

"Not asking you to, love. Now I come to the part of the story that is all mine. No Morgan, although if I told her while we were there in the hot tub I am sure she would have agreed with me, and want to start on having some brilliant children right there on the spot."

"I am really starting to hope it is true you are not the only one that can get me pregnant again." Helen muttered, still stretching about. I think she is flashing me on purpose.

"Well, then Helen, you will love the next part of my theory. You know that animals change. Evolve. Adapt to their food supply."

Helen did not pause her stretching. "Sure. Evolution 101."

"So tell me, Councilwoman. Doctor. Why did Vampires evolve? More importantly, what if the reasons they evolved do not pertain anymore?"

"Why Vampires exist is pure conjecture, Adrian. We don't know." Jessica admonished

I probably should not inject snark when I am making points. "No, we don't. Let's assume for a moment that they are what you told me when I first turned: The predator that preys on the ultimate predator. Stronger. Faster. Heightened senses. Everything cavewoman Vampire needed to take down caveman human. Blood would be fast and easy nutrition and at a cost. Vampires would need amazing immune systems to not get every blood disease there was and is."

It is standard Vampire mythology, so I skipped ahead "In any case, fast forward to Doctor Jessica, Vampire sex goddess and pill dispenser extraordinaire. Look at you, Helen. Healing like no tomorrow, and also a sex goddess. Think of me. Filled to the eyes since Vampire birth with every nutritional supplement known to science and lore. I no more need blood for extra easy nutrition than I need another sex partner. Actually, of the two, I might even be able to find something to do with Morgan, since you want me to so badly, Helen."

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