Lori's Surprise

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We cleaned up in the master bedroom shower and air-dried in the kitchen. We mostly kept our hands where they belonged in the shower. By unspoken agreement we are going to act like nothing is happening. Everything is as it was before.

I may not be touching, but that did not mean I am not looking. I pondered the fact that Helen is not showing in the slightest: Not when she stood there naked in the shower with Jessica lovingly washing her, and not now in the kitchen. Helen is hiding that baby on her small frame well. Jessica is not showing either even though she is farther along, but Jessica is a much larger woman. I expected Helen's slighter body to show sooner, and it isn't. Shows what I know.

The recently closed subject seemed to be put to bed for both Helen and Jessica, even as it lurked in a dull ache of desire inside me. Only pride and the thought of Rachel kept me from saying 'Just kidding!'. The three of us sat in the kitchen, snacking and plotting the death of some major food while also chatting about all the things we have not caught up on yet when Lori came in.

Lori and Danny occupy the log cabin-like house out behind the main house. Very few humans know or are even allowed to know about Vampires. In Vampiredom, only we three know that Danny and Lori are in on it. Any other Vampire finding out would probably take measures against Danny and Lori that we would not like.

Lori knows that if she walks into our house, there are no promises about our state of clothing. She is fairly body shy, but she knows we three are not. Normally it is only the two of us, with Helen gone to New York a great deal of the time.

"Helen! I didn't know you were coming!" Lori greeted and went over to give Helen a hug. I gave Lori points. She did a good job acting like three naked people is nothing new. Lori not shy about hugging Helen in her altogether. If there had been no Danny for Lori, and no Rachel for Helen, there would be a Helen and Lori. I am certain of that.

Helen replied, "The Conclave will be kicking off in a few weeks, and it is at my... Our... Executive Retreat or Lodge or whatever it's going to be called now, so I needed to be sure everything is in order."

It is true as far as it goes. The whole revelation that Sirens are alive and kicking after the Vampires thought they wiped them out eons ago is big news. The Vampire world is coming to Austin to hear about it. Everyone who is anyone in the Vampire world that is.

Lori held Helen back and unabashedly looked her over. I halfway expected Lori to lick her lips. "It is great to see you! Will be staying long?"

"Yes. Rachel will be down over the weekends but needs to work. She'll already be taking off time during the Conclave. I'll stay here until after the Conclave is done. At least. Maybe longer: That has yet to be decided." A sidelong glance my way, measuring my response to that.

Helen is about to take leave from Council duty. She is going to need to have our baby somewhere hidden and safe. I need to be there. I did not really consider that, but now that I have, I am very clear on that part. She has to be here, with us. That revelation did nothing to strengthen my other resolution. Can I resist not making love with her scent ramps up and when she is visibly pregnant? That's one of my kinks: a pregnant woman is sexier than hell. That will turn into a 'Sorry Rachel' situation. No doubt: I am not that strong.

Lori turned to face Jessica and me, leaning against the same counter as Helen. "You dribbled some Guacamole," she said, pointing at Jessica's breast. Lori is really covering up her shyness quite well today.

Jessica looked down at it. "Yes. Adrian was just offering to take care of that for me when you came in, so I left it there."

Lori nodded "I'll bet he was. Men are often very helpful about things like that."

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