Human Revelation

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Lori perked up at the conversational shift.

Helen said to Lori "You know, of course, that Jessica is expecting."

"Yes... " Lori drew out, not sure why that is coming up. "I also know that you all do not understand why. Female Vampires are not supposed to be able to get pregnant. Looking at the earth mother figure Jessica has, it's not hard to believe she is. She looks like Gaia herself."

Helen agreed "She does indeed. It turns out that having that figure is not a requirement for a Vampire having children. I am also pregnant."

Lori stared for a moment, finally bursting out with honest incredulity "No way!"

Helen's head went up and down. Once. "Yes. Way."

"But... You're with Rachel. Right??"

"Yes." Helen assured her.

"So... you were out drinking from some guy one evening, decided to boff him for giggles, and you twigged? How is that even possible?"

"Not 'some guy'. You are correct: I drink from men exclusively, for reasons that have nothing to do with my preferences or relationships inside the Vampire world and everything to do with turning humans. You understand all that. How Jessica turned."

"Sure: Men hardly ever get turned. Rarer than hens' teeth. So spill: How'd you get pregnant? And wait... Are you happy? Should I be congratulating you... sorry? You threw me off here."

This is going to be a very interesting answer. I kinda want to know this myself.

"I am happy. Rachel is very happy. She intends to help me raise the baby."

Jessica tossed in "As will we..."

Lori looked happy "Oh cool! Me too? Can I help? I want to be Aunt Lori..."

"You are already Aunt Lori." Helen ceded, smiling.

"Does Danny know?" Lori asked me

Ahh. I got a turn here. "Not yet. You came home first. You caught us here, like this. Seemed like the time to mention it."

Lori went over to Helen and gathered her up in her arms. Bigger than Helen, built more like Jessica, but bottle blonde, yet another interesting contrast. Helen let herself be hugged and fully returned it.

"Can I?..." Lori asked, holding out a hand.

"Sure... nothing to feel yet." Helen replied.

Lori placed her hand on Helen's belly. She looked thoughtful. Lori is a nurse. She has felt pregnant bellies before.

"Helen, if you are preggers, it's less than 12 weeks." She said professionally

"It is less than 12 weeks." Helen agreed.

I told her "I can tell she is.  A subtle change in scent. If I had not scented the same kind of change in Jessica, I would not know what it is exactly, but I have someone to compare it to. She is. I can also see the little round warm spot. Itty bitty tiny movement: I assume that is the heart."

Lori took that as gospel. She is used to my enhanced senses telling me things. "So.. I don't get it. We're happy and that is good. But... how? Who is the Father? Vampires don't have Parthogenesis..."

"No Partho..." Helen looked at me deadpan. Lori looked over at me curiously, waiting for me to say. I did not say. I raised my hand a little. She suddenly understood and exploded "No way! No fucking way!"

Jessica told her "Way. In fact, I imagine Adrian is the only one who can do it."

"Wait, a minute. I need to process this...." Lori said, holding up her hands, but then leaping right back with "And you didn't kill him? Either of you? He CHEATED on you? You LET him... He's... You're... So confused..."

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