He's Back Part 2

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Long time no write guys I know I know buhh it whatever now so I'll write more often when November comes I'll be writing like lightning sokeep reading my books loves


As I walked inside my I felt a whole lot better than I did a few hours. I'm literally trending number two in the world on twitter right now.

I walked up and changed into some grey sweats, my tan Ugg boots, and one of my highschool hoodies. I lied down on my bed and started to cry into my pillow leaving loud muffles evaporating into my walls. Like that say ' save your tears for your pillow'. They used to tell me that in athletics all the time. Now I know what they mean. Nobody wants to see you cry so save it.

Someones warm hand began rubbing back soothingly. I didn't feel any rough parts on so I knew it was Chris.

" aye stop crying those basic hoes don't deserve a single tear from your beautiful eyes " he said. A small smile spread across my face.

" thank you " I whispered in his ear then pecked him on the cheek.

He began to tickle causing me to fall into hysterics and a big smile on my face.

He finally stopped and began to caress my hand. " you have baby hands " I whispered in his ear.

I rolled over on my back causing my legs to go flailing, I grabbed the remote and switched it to "Leverage" that's the show boy.

Flipped on to my stomach, Chris stretched up and down, while I lied across.


After a few hours of watching "Leverage" reruns and a few new ones.

" Chris, Kelly time for dinner so hurry up so we can eat," ma screeched.

I knew she was nervous because of the whole were meeting her lil' secret boyfriend tonight, so I just began to act like I didn't know what was about to happen. This what basically going to happen the boys are gonna be all ' mm who is though Blah blah...your to old for this crap Blah blah.... when did this happen.. This why you all ways out ... Blah blah blah

I don't give a crap who she dates I ain't dating him,and plus I'm not her momma. But if he hitting or doing something to here badly and she don't like it ima have to " lay the hat" that's a old football term to knock a bitch out !

I saw some hands wave in front of my face.

" you okay you've been staring into space for the past five minutes,"Chris stated. I shrugged my shoulders in response.

I walked myself to the bathroom and wash my hands with my Bath and Body Works soap. That the stuff be leavin' your hands smelling good and fruity. I walked downstairs and waited for everyone to come down stairs. "the boyfriend" sat their talking to my mom. Her facial expression was lite up like a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve night. The way she looked was amazing I haven't seen her smile so bright since I was five when my parent were still in love before the money,lust, and trust issues came into play. Those were when I loved coming home,so my dad could take me to the park and buy me a single ice cream scoop with Carmel drizzle. Sometimes I miss my dad, then all that goes down the drain when I think about all the thinks he did to me.

Everybody sat down the boys automatically began wondering who this guys that's was sitting in our kitchen table.

" hey guys this is my boyfriend," my mom blurted out.

There was an eerie silence for a little while as they all thought this through. Their face went from a clueless expression to angry one. Jared who was the closet to the new boyfriend grabbed him by the collar. Everybody jumped as I just sat there quietly watching the whole drama. The scene was crazy the boys were yelling at mom and she was teary eyed. Her boyfriend who I need to learn the name of by the way,was still in Jared's grip as, Jared was talking to mom. I began to rub my stomach slowly up and down then side to side.

As if God wanted everything to pause. The doorbell rang. Everyone froze and look towards the door as I took small strides towards the door. I twisted the doorknob and quickly opening then automatically wishing I kept it close.

My stomach churned, I felt something rise in my throat I ran to the bathroom leaving the front door wide open.

I swished my mouth with water then mouth wash,but the acid taste stayed in my mouth from my stomach when you haven't eaten and you throw up acid from your stomach. I can't believe he's here why was he here!! He caused me so much pain, WHY WAS HE HERE !! I'm a junior in high school and I still get nightmares of being scared in the middle of the night wanting to scream,but knowing I'll be punished even more. I stared at myself in the mirror for the longest. Does he know about the baby; he always know stuff that nobody want to know bout them. He's an asshole. He always said,' why hide stuff when people are going to find out anyway'.

I finally got the courage to go out there I debated for the longest if I should just go upstairs to my room and stay there till he left. No I have to face my fears. I paced my self to the table as if I was running a marathon. I sat down in my previous seat. There was a long silence until he decided to speak.

" pregnancy symptoms already, are far a long are you anyway," he said while have a grin on his face.

" Got to hell already you sick bastard," I yelled.

I ran upstairs before anyone could see my tears. As soon as I closed the door my knees gave out and I began to let out long low sobs into my knees as I held them into my chest. I wanted the pain to go away. I heard my door open then close. I looked up it was Jared.

" what do you want, did you come here to yell at me some more '" my words were laced with anger as I spoke to him.

" You know you don't mean that," he replied.

He pulled me into a hug; I gave a started back crying into his arms loud ragged muffles went into his arms. He rested his head on to of mine as he said shhh, everything will be okay.

Jared and I used be really close until he started blaming for dad leaving me. I missed this, I really hoped this last...


Hey guys thanks for staying with me I love all my fans.

My reader/fans go round not your mine.

Peace to the triple D ,


Oh yeah Ima try to start uploading every other OR every Tuesday because I won't be doing dance on that day anymore or at all so yeah ....

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