Knowing Gender Means...Baby Shopping!

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It was Sunday morning. We had been up here for just over a week and today we were going to get our baby stuff and the boys. We hope in the car and drive. By 12am we were at Mum’s place. We packed the boys stuff in the car and drove to the shop. We stack up the cots on the back and the porta cot box and tie down the stroller. Then we grab some lunch and head off again. By 6pm we were back at Dontelle’s. The boys go in and run muck while Tristan, Kye, Dontelle and I unpack the car and build the stuff. We decided to build it at Dontelles but we would set the Nursery up at Tristan’s mums house she wanted us there and she had 3 spare rooms so one for us and one nursery till we move out. We build them then stack them back up on the car and take them to his mums. We put them in the spare room. Then his mum makes us a coffee.

“So while your all here we have decided on 4 names. 2 girls and 2 boys.”


“So Jaymey Lee Kyle, Alexander Athol Andrew, Mia’Larni Daniella and Kiera-Ellen.”

“They’re lovely names guys.”

“Yea they are nice especially the Mia one.”

“So next week we should find out the genders. “

“You excited?”

“VERY!” I nearly scream it. I was.

We spend the week with the boys then they catch the bus home. I start school again tomorrow and we find out the genders tomorrow. It made the thought of starting at a new school easier.

I get up early the next morning and get dressed. Tristan was going to drive me.



“I think your starting to show?


“Yea. Look.”

He pulls back my dress and tucks it behind my back so that its tight arounf my belly.

“You might be right actually. We best head off we have to get Cyrus.”

“Oh yea. I forgot.”

Dontelle was sick so we stopped in and woke Cyrus, Dontelle’s foster son up and got him ready for his first day of grade 4 for term 4. He was moving to a new school to. A school closer to Dontelle’s house.

“We both have our first day at our new schools hey Ceej?”

“yea. Are you excited? I am!”

“Well I’m glad your excited. Im more excited to find out what gender you r new cousins are going to be?”

“When do you find out?”


“Cool. Can I come?”

“I will get Tristan to ask Don. I think Uncle Bookie might be taking you shopping tonight though while we go.”

“Oh yea I forgot. We have to do the lunchbox shopping.”

“Yea. Well we best egt going monster or we will both be late.”

“Can I sit in the front?”

“Nice try Cheekie but I already dibsed it.”

We run out to the car. CJ and I got on really well. He called me his Aunty now and my kids were going to be his baby cousins. He was super excited. We dropped Cyrus off then Tristan dropped me off at school. As soon as I got in there were people wanting to be my friend. They all new who I was the teachers had told them my story and they all wanted to know me. It made making friends a lot easier. It was a good day. I had met some awesome people and my teachers were great and so understanding. I was so pumped ti finally be at the doctors that afternoon. Tristan had picked me up and Dontelle was there waiting.

“Lets go! Lets go!” I nearly screamed it. I was so excited. I was like a little kid at Christmas. Once I knew I could start shopping and decorating their rooms. We walk in. We don’t even have to wait thank god because I was the only one there.

“Welcome guys. Are you excited?”

“VERY!” I reply.

“Well lets get started. As you would know by now I will put the gel on and scan. We should hear the heartbeats first then locate the genders and finally we will do your weight their weight and all that stuff. Ok?”


We all sit quietly while the Doctor locates the heartbeats. We couldn’t hear anything. I got nervous then suddenly boom, boom, boom, boom. There little hearts were beating away. I could hear both of them thank god.

“Ok so I found out what gender they are. Are you ready to know?”

“Yes but first are they the same?”

“Yes they are the same. What are you hoping for?”

“Well I would like two girls, Dontelle wants two girls and so does Tristan but we would have like one of each. We have lots of pretty girl names but not really any boys.”

“You will be happy then…”

“Wait. Two…two... girls?”

“Yes. They are both little girls. Im 99% sure. “

“OMG! That’s awesome.”

 We all get a bit teary. The doctor finishes the scans and we leave.

“Well that was awesome.” Dontelle says.

“But if its ok with you guys I’m going to go back home to bed.”

“sure. I think we might go do some shopping.”

“Ohh fun!”

“I know right!”

I hug her goodbye and hop in the car with Tristan. WE head out to the baby shop down the road. Finally we can start getting things. We buy heaps of matching girls outfits. We buy a twin stroller that is pink and has Sugar and Spice on one side and All things Nice on the other side (Cassato you2 Twin Stroller Sugar&Spice), we buy a double pink bassinet, two white and pink drawers then we go and get some pink paint. When we get home we straight away start on the nursery. We were to excited to do anything else to do with the twins now that we knew what gender they were. We painted the feature wall pink then painted on a giant Alice in wonderland picture. The other 3 walls were half pink and each had little Disney themes and quotes. Each drawer had each girls name on it. Kiera-Ellen and her name in Lime green and Mia’Larni black. We made there beds up so everything looked amazing. Mia’Larni had a pink and black Leopard print bed set and Kiera had zebra print. We took some photos and posted them on Facebook.

Everyone said how beautiful it looked. The next day I told everyone at school. They were stoked. I started receiving presents.


Here is a link to see a picture of the Cassato Sugar and Spice pram which I actually have!

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