The Mothers Verdict

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I spend all day thinking about everything. Then I catch the normal bus home.

“Kaycee? Your on?”


“Haven’t seen you for a few days. Where have you been?”

“I will tell you soon. I need to be by myself though ok.”

“Umm Ok. “

When I get home mum was there.

“About time! Where have you been? And tell me the truth!”

“Mum I’m ok.Thanks for asking. I have been with someone I want to introduce you too tomorrow. We will tell you everuthing then. SO just you meet us at Wendys in town at 3pm tomorrow. I am leaving early in the morning because I actually do have work tomorrow then I'm going to meet them before we meet you.”

She walked away in silence.

I go straight to my room and for once clean it voluntarily. I guess with in the next few days I will be moving out so best start early. Then I go to bed with no food. I hadn’t eaten a few days. I wonder if it’s bad for the baby? Then I was asleep. Next morning I wake up have a shower and go to work. Then Tristan picks me up and we go to his hotel.

“So we are meeting mum at 3pm so we have 4 hours. What do you want to do?”

“Call my mum?”

“Damn. That was unexpected.”

“I know but it needs to be done. “

“Want me to talk?”


“Ok. You owe me now”


“Hey Mum, It’s Kaycee”

“Hey sweetie. How are you?”

“Yea I’m ok. You?”

“I’m ok love. I gave Tristan some money to help you. I hope his spending it on you not himself.”

He is Ma. His being great.

“That’s good. Now what’s up?”

“Well I know Tristan sort of told you what’s going on. So I think you need to know that I am pregnant.”


“I’m pregnant.”

“Put Tristan on!”

“Its true Ma.”

“This is why you went down it makes sense now!”


“Well I’m not impressed. Are you sure?”

“Positive Ma. I took her to the doctors, health clinic all them. We even had our first ultrasound Ma.”

“Well I’m disappointed Tristanua. Is she Ok?”

“Sort of. We are telling her mum at 3 so she’s a bit worked up.”

“She’s a strong girl. Definitely the right person to carry my grandchild.”

“Grandchildren Mum!”

“Well see after you have one if you want more.”

“No mum. She’s having twins. “

“OMG. That’s exciting and scary. Well I have to go honey. Congratualations at least. But...I’m not impressed I hope you know that. Good luck with Kayc’s mum. Look after here. Treat her like gold. Love you boy.

Love you too mum bye”

“Every time your mum is on the phone to you, you sound like a 5 year old. She’s a legend.

“Got to love my mum”

“I so love your mum. I wish mine would react like her. I can tell she wont though.”

“I know. We actually best head off now. Grab your stuff.

“Sure. “

I hug mum and we sit down.

“Mum, this is Tristan.”

“Right…” she had a concerned look on her face.”

“He is my boyfriend. We have been dating for 3 monthes.”

“So that’s were you have been for the past 3 nights.”

“Yes because…”

“I don’t want excuses Sam. You know not to stay with boys. You aren’t usually even allowed to stay at girls houses. Your lucky I was sick the other night or you wouldn’t have been av=ble to get away with your Christie lie.”

“Mum. Im pregnant.”


“That’s why I haven’t been home. Because Tristan came down to take me to the doctors to find out. Its twins.”

“This isn’t funny!”

“No its not. That’s why I’ve spent 3 nights crying.”

“Your joking aren’t you? Your not serious?”

“I wish I was joking and I wish I wasn’t serious but I am. And…”

She was crying she got up to leave.


“I have to get my head around this. I want you to get your important things from home tomorrow. Im not officially kicking you out but I doubt you will be allowed to raise a chld in our house. Grab your stuff. Once I get around this…”

She kept crying and walked out then she turned around and said…

“I will call you. I guess. Im really disappointed. You need to call everyone of your family members tonight and tell them. Including your father!”

“I love you mum”

She didn’t reply she just walked out. I was crying. We sat there for a while in silence. Then I was the first to talk. Today I felt strong.

“I guess that didn’t go to bad.”

“I guess not. I feel terrible for you.”

“Well… can you please get me a Cookies & Cream Mega shake and blame it on my cravings. Then we had best find a cheaper hotel for two and call everyone.”

“Sounds like a plan.

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