Proposal & Marriage

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" I don't  believe  how can he say such things to you and Dia..."  anuj speak out in anger...

Ananaya  and Anuj were seating  on the bench of the same cafe where once aakash do work...

Ananaya  rubbed his back to sooth his pain..

" what he said to me still digestable  but I don't  believe  that how he said all those things to his own
daughter... " Ananaya  said indicating Dia...

because he is like that from starting Ananaya... Never care for his own daughter... " he replied  disgustingly thought about his father's behavior...

Ananaya  sidely  hug him to soothe him..
do you think am became  a good brother of Dia..?  " after  few seconds  he asked to her looking in her eyes...

not good... But a best one... ( and she knows what Anuj further going to ask do she herself continued..)  and your mother really  proud of you... "

And you... And for you...?  " he again asked...

She put his hand in her and kissed his fingers and replied...

am too very proud of you as how good brother you are for Ananaya  and how good life partner  I have found... And your mother who is basically our mother as I already accepted  her as my mother  in my heart is also really  proud of you... As she is seeing how happy  you make me by your love and care... "

Anuj hugged her..

anuj... We are in a cafe...!  " she speak after few seconds  feeling shy too.. seeing other members  in the cafe...

oh sorry.. ( he broke hug and replied but then continued...)  " But don't  worry ... Soon when  you became  my legally  wedded wife then no one can stop me from  hugging my wife.." 

They both smiled and started going out...

Now they are on the street... walking on it.... as Anuj make her drop at her house... but suddenly  he hold her hand and stop her in her tracks...and then kneeled down in front of her..

" Ananaya  you already  know  that how much I love you and want you in my life... and I know  you too want the same... so for both of our happiness... Will you marry... and give me the honour of calling you  as my wife... " he is still holding her front palm  fingers in his hand and.. Like always... Ananaya  hugged him... and kissed him on his cheek while still hugging him..

yes..  Yes... Anuj... I wanted  eagerly to marry you... and yes I too want a honour to become your wife... " and then they both stand up and hug each other...

After broking their hug... Anuj put out his wallet and bring out a ring... it's a small ring which is of metal polished  by gold...

oh sorry I forgot ... to put out this.. " (he said and then wear that ring in Ananaya  left's ring finger...and then continue...) "  this ring... is bought out by me by my   first salary... I wanted  to give this to one who really  love me and my family  unconditionally... I never thought  I got some  one in my life like  that but dia have faith for this and see... this ring got her owner... " he said and kissed her that finger in which now ring is...

Ananaya  smiled cupped his face and replied..."  and I  never break out her or yours faith.. Never    " and then they both share an eye lock and kissed each other...

Anuj and Ananaya  are married in a court and then in temple after two weeks and then celebrate their wedding  also by putting a party...

Aakash too join them as it's such a big occasion  for his friends... How he missed it ..!

Now smoothly  and happily  three years are gone ...

In this three years they saw many up side and down..

Ananaya  loss her mother which is really hurted  situation  for her but thank God at  that time she has her love and her friend with him who help her to come out of her grief...

After their marriage first Ananaya  work in a boutique  and Anuj in a company  but then after one year... aakash and Anuj together  open their company...

As aakash work is very famous in business world and Anuj is too known as  best progressing  business  man in India...
So these two.. in this one year got.. such name due to their hard work so now they decided  to start their new one.. and gave it name
"  A 's industry " ... in the name of Ananayaaakash  and Anuj...

Ananaya   at starting  period... worked   with  Nia Verma.. One of the best designer of this city... but then after two years.. Now she too have her own boutique where she opened teaching classes also for paintings...

Dia is too very happy  having such sweet bhabhi  in form of Ananaya...

But she has always one guilt that she is hiding some  thing big from her close members i.e  Anuj and Ananaya...

Well it's just a secret  or it create any big troubles  in their life...!!?

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