Confession & Heartbreak

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This is all my story Ananaya .. I wanted to leave him just then when I learnt about him completely  but  my mother  promised  stop me ,  but not now... I soon leave his house and live with diya in separate house... " he said with teary but in determination.. 

They are siting on a bench of a garden of Ananaya's  house..
Anuj after meeting  Dia called Ananya here to meet him..

Ananaya  too have tears in her eyes listening  his story...

She came close to him and hold his hand and was about to say something  when he again stopped  him and  kneeled down in front  of her  by further  saying.."  Ananaya.. "

" I love you...!  " "  Ananaya .. I can't  live  without  you.. "  "  No.. Aakash !  What are you saying.. these all are very old and cheesy way.. then what I say to her... I already  nervous... Don't  know  what to and how to say... " aakash said all this to himself while pacing   nervously  in the room..

He is practicing how to propose  Ananaya  today... after giving her surprise...but didn't  got still how ...
Suddenly  an idea struck to him..

Ya that's best.. I think I should  write in a chit.. And when  I gave my presents to her then gave this chit also.. "

He within few minutes  wrote a chit and ready to leave for Ananaya  house..

After one hour...

Chit  fell from his hand which he scrolled few times before as that chit had no value  than.. And he never  want that anyone  read what was written  in that chit..specially SHE...for whom he wrote this now he knows  that she love someone  else... so he didn't  want she have any guilt for his friend...

Words are still echoed in his ears  which he listen just few minutes  before and that scene also flashing which he saw before..

" Ananaya  " when Anuj kneeled in front  of her.. He gave a rose  which he bought for her and she took it smiling... They are intently looking  at each other... unaware that some third person also came just  there and saw them and stopped  in his tracks listening  Anuj next sentence...

" I LOVE YOU .. ANANAYA... tell me will you become  the one who loves me unconditionally  like  my sister ,  my mother  as you are that girl Ananaya  who is very precious  for me like my precious  sister and mother... and Ananaya  I know your answer because  your eyes already  told me that but trust me if your  answer is not yes then also I love you like this.. But now when I know  your answer from your eyes.. Can you also told me that by your words... Tell me Ananaya.. Will you also love me and give me  your love  back.. " anuj confessed all and Ananaya  just go speechless  listening his Confession...

But here two hearts are beating fast in a suspension that what answer Ananaya  gave to anuj.. One is of Anuj and other is of aakash.. who is just standing  there... and as soon as Ananaya  jumped in his arms.. he hide behind  the tress.. so that no one saw him or his condition...

And here Anuj at starting is in a loss condition but when she hugged him and listens her voice he came back from her tarance...

" yes.  Yes... Anuj... I gave you my love back.. I too love you a lot.. You don't  know  how happy I am.."  she broke the hug and kissed his cheek and then blushed and hug him and he too hugged her back smiling...

Aakash  who stand there just to still confirmed from her mouth.. listens her further Confession and then
he scroll the chit in his fist and left from there...

This is all the scene  which came  in front of his eyes  and pick  his heart a lot... He started crying... and broke the scrumbled  piece of Chit into pieces .. This action is not due to anger but the hurt which he felt now... Pain of heartbreaking ...  He felt pain that no one is here to whom he go and share his grief and heartbreak...
He sit on a floor in a thud.. " I miss you.. Miss you a lot.. Mom.. And dad... I wish I told you both at least.. or I wish I too have some  one to whom I share all this my grief... the two person after you to whom I  can share  all this to them also I can't  share all this..."  he closed his eyes while crying but then after few seconds  Ananaya  Anuj smiling  face came in front  of him... and so he stood up  wiping his tears and thinking  " so what I nit get my love or not.. at least my friends are happy and I too should be happy  for them.. Ya to know that  I never get love of Ananaya  I feel  hurt but am happy  for them that at least they are happy  and I tried to be always  happy  for them... and Anuj is a good boy.. and he deserve a girl like Ananaya.. Please mom dad and God... Never separate them.. always make them happy... at least let my this wish complete... " he said smiling  and looking at the sky...

This is called  unconditional  love  of aakash  where he feel happy  for his  love whether his love is with him or not...

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