Author Notes

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Hello beautiful people!

I hope you've all enjoyed reading my story, His Kitten. I wrote the majority of it three years ago and slowly published it as I finished the ending. 

  I wanted to thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to my story as well as each and every one of my characters. Thank you!!!!

  I am currently working on another story with a rather interesting and unexpected plot line. If you enjoy my writing style then please feel free to check it out. 

  This story in the making is called "Before The Fall."

Before The Fall - Gioviandrea (that's me)

Before The Fall is a story about a college student who falls in love with an active duty army individual as she is pursuing her dream job of being a doctor. 

 Whether their love is worth fighting for is up to you. To see if they are destined to be with one another is a journey the two of us, you, the reader, and I, the author, will go on together. 

 Thank you once again for everything! 

Stay beautiful my shining stars!

  - Giovanna 

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