Chapter Ten - A Promise Made Too Soon

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The next few days I was working pretty hard and so was Russell as he was still tutoring the girl who's last day would be Thursday since Friday is her make-up exam.

  It was already Thursday and I was exhausted from everything that my teachers were assigning us to complete before tomorrow's test. I know that once I get home I'll be retouching subjects that I need help on since it's best to do so.

     Right now I currently shopping for some groceries as it was my turn to cook. I've been wanting to try out a new recipe I saw that had crab chowder, something I've never tired before.

  I finished grabbing everything I needed and soon made my way over towards the check out station. There I put my small load of groceries on the piece of the table that the man infront of me separated that allowed me to do so.

   "Dang it. I don't think I have anymore cents." The man mumbled as he struggled to look for a few more cents in order to avoid anymore change.

  "Here. Use this." I said to him as I handed him the few more cents he needed. The stranger looked rather surprised at the offer but didn't reject it as he could see my earnest effort into wanting to help him. "I know the feeling of wanting to get rid of the extra change you don't want to have to carry."

  "Thank you." He smiled as he handed the money to the lady and walked over to pick up his bagged groceries. "I'm Evan."

  "Nice name Evan. I'm Jane." I said as it was only polite to greet him with more respect as Evan was obviously older than me, judging by his appearance. It was his suit that gave it away, he was most likely in the twenties if I may say.

  "Well Jane, I appreciate meeting you and thank you once again for saving me with a few cents. I have to apologize since I'm late meeting my fiancee." And so with those few words Evan was off.

   Yet for some reason, I couldn't help but find Evan to be familiar. It was his facial features and eyes that held a hint of amber buried in his milky eyes that made me wonder who he looked like.

I ended up forgetting about him and his features over time as my mind was filled with things that concerned me, myself and a monster.

For example, I couldn't stop thinking about why Russell wanted to hang out all of a sudden this weekend. Maybe he's going to order me to do some housework since he's capable of doing such.

Whatever he makes me do I'm sure it'll be okay since his punishments haven't been that bad lately, which make me worry...but Russell wouldn't do anything to cross a boundary would he? I hope not because if he did then he'd really be a monster.

Later that afternoon, as soon as I got home I unpacked the groceries and began to cook. As I was making the preparations I couldn't help but stress over the upcoming holiday season; Christmas.

Christmas wasn't anything out of the ordinary as I'm blessed to see my family each day, however because of this none of us treat it as a 'special' holiday besides it's the fact that Jesus Christ was born on, of course. But the only time that I felt that Christmas was 'special' was when Alice and I plus a few friends all went shopping and watched the Christmas light show, which was in the eighth grade.

I sighed as I brought the chowder to a low heat. I wonder if this Christmas will be any different? Well for now I won't expect anything because if I do then my expectations will probably be higher than the results.

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