Chapter Six - Stranger Feelings Than Blue

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Russell moved me to the side of him so I wasn't clinging on. I guess he didn't like the feeling.

"Would you look at that!" Ralf exclaimed with a sense of hysterical surprise as he didn't think it was actually Russell. "The man really did come."

Before the freak show could continue, I saw Russell throw his fist which then collided with Ralf's cheek. The punch was strong enough to knock him down and when it did he grabbed me, and we ran away.

   Ran is a bit exaggerated. It was more of Russell pulling me along while I tried to keep up with his fast pace.

   "If you were going to talk to a guy it should've been one who was at least half decent." Russell spewed at me while he continued to pull me. "If I knew that a your liking came so easily then I would've rejected you."

I didn't understand what Russell meant. I didn't understand why we were still walking fast or where we were going. And above all, I couldn't begin to understand why my heart was beating so fast.

    We didn't speak much and when Russell finally let me go, it was in front of the park he made me run around.

   "See you Monday." I said to him as he walked away from me.

  His back muscles could be seen through the shirt, but weren't entirely outlined like a person who works out regularly would be. However this wasn't what I found to be interesting, it was the tension- of never letting his guard down, I presume.

   The next few days I couldn't help but think of explanations that could and maybe give an accurate reason as to why my heart was beating fast and continue to do so whenever I'm with Russell.

A strange and foreign feeling indeed.

"Your heart races, you get flustered easily and you find yourself wondering about him?" My best friend Alice said as she counted each one with her fingers. Her baby blue eyes looked at my dark green ones in astonishment.

   "Yes!" I shouted with frustration. "It's driving me crazy, Alice!" She simply laughed before shaking her head at my silliness.

   "You like him." She said the three words I had been avoiding to hear. "You like Russell White. Your very own fake boyfriend."

   I grunted.

  That was the problem. I was his fake girlfriend. But why, why does my heart flutter when I'm with him when this is fake...but feels as if it's real? And yet this is another way to pass time for him and he thinks nothing of it, while I'm slowly catching feelings for him.

  "That's the problem Alice! He's my boyfriend in name only." I sighed as I walked with her.

   We were at school, walking towards it as today I needed a friend's opinion on my feelings. This topic was still hard for me to understand, that's why I normally seek the advice of my amazing friend Alice. 

   "Then make him like you. Put more effort into your relationship and maybe even get his attention once in a while to remind him that you are a girl after all." Alice spoke just in time as we enter the school's property.

  "I'll try!" I shouted with nothing but determination.

The whole time during class I couldn't solemnly focus on the lesson as my thoughts were getting more and more distracting.

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