Chapter Eighteen - More To The Story Than I Thought

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A few days passed and my body was finally done healing. But yet my mind was far from it as I could not recover any possible reason as to why Russell did not mention Evan to me beforehand nor did he talk about the rest of his family for that matter.


Why did Russell not tell me before? Was he ashamed? Did his family not love him, or did he love his family? It would make sense as Russell was very stoic and hard to please. But even then I know for a fact that family tends to overlook flaws and love you for who you are.

Or at least most of them do.

Although I will admit that even though family can be the best people to find some comfort and love in, they can also be the most criticizing and some-what hypocritical people you'll ever meet in your life.

Perhaps that's why Russell prefers to be alone, maybe his family was too much for him to handle in terms of criticizing.

Well, whatever it was I am more than determined to find out the reason he hid this from me.

"Jane." Someone spoke to me. "Jane, you're spacing out again."

It was when I felt a finger poke at my side that I decided to turn my head towards the person yearning for my attention.

"Yes Sam?" I asked in a rather unamused tone as I was lost in thought about Russell.

"For the twentieth time, will Russell be coming over today?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Beats me." I responded to him as I walked over to the couch. "Knowing him, he most likely will make an appearance today. Not that I mind."

"Why would you mind, he's your boyfriend." Sam rolled his eyes at me as he made his way to where I was sitting as I slowly took a sip of my water. "Well anyways, what I was trying to say was that Cece, Robin, and I have to attend a stupid college assembly for a few days. And all three of us thought it would be best if Russell stayed here with you."

I nearly choked on my water from the words I heard.

"Are you sane?" I asked as I used my arm to wipe off the bit of water that escaped my lips. "And both aunt Cece and uncle Robin are okay with this?"

Sam seemed hesitant to answer but eventually nodded as he sat next to me.

"They thought it would be alright since he saved you from the fire." Sam said softly as he didn't want to cross any possible boundaries on the subject, not that I had any, at least not anymore.

"That's not all, is it?" I raised a brow as he sheepishly let out a smile.

"Plus they still feel like it would be best since he seems to be very responsible. Not to mention both mom and dad already talked to him about it..." Sam laughed as my expression held many emotions to it.

"Since when were they on such great terms?" I asked Sam as I couldn't recall any possible moments that would allow Russell to exchange numbers with my family.

"Since always."

And almost immediately following those two words was the familiar amber eyes that I loved. His blonde hair glistened in the lighting and I couldn't feel happier.

"How long are you guys going to be gone?" I asked Sam and he shrugged his shoulders.

"It all depends on how many people are attending and how far we get through stuff each day. It shouldn't be longer than five days at the most." Sam flashed me a forgiving smile and I glanced over at Russell who seemed to be amused.

"You won't have to worry about her too much Sam. I'll make sure she doesn't bother you guys." Russell threw his arm around me. "So please, enjoy your time away from this headache."

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