Chapter Eleven - Colder than Neptune

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Once we entered the mall I soon made my way over to the store I had a coupon for. I was planning on buying the new palette that came out from none other but a famous brand called Chancé.

"I'll be next door since I forgot to buy something for the project." Russell excused himself and I did the same as I wanted the eye-catching store.

The walls were a lilic purple and were filled of products from the past years to the ones that just came out recently. It wasn't limited to any type of makeup nor clothing and perfume as it embraced all different sections that was apart of the company.

After taking in all the walls and figuring out where the wall was of their 'best rated products' which was based on people voting both online and in the store, I finally found the few products I wanted.

There in front of me laid a collection that I had been wanting for the past year as I've never brought myself to buy the product since it was pricier than what is normally get. But since I have a coupon that allows me fifty percent off my total purchase then I can buy this as well as another product, something my aunt wanted.

I figured I would buy it for her since she doesn't have it. It was a limited edition chiffon based perfume. Something that would soon be out of the market as the only sell three-hundred per store.

My item that I choose was the opposite of hers as it wasn't limited edition but rather a favorite of both the customers who bought it and the company as it was a palette of very pigmented eyeshadows.

It took me awhile to find everything that I planned to buy in addition to both of the items I mentioned. As well as the time it took for me to reach a cashier in order to pay, which I think the wait was about ten minutes.

  Once I finished I received a text message from Russell saying that he had picked up a cup of hot chocolate for me and that we should meet by the bench we passed earlier.

  I knew just the one he was talking about because it was the one I pointed out earlier where cute decorations filled the small spaces next to it and it just so happened to catch my attention.

As I made my way back to the bench I didn't see Russell but what I did see was a penny on the ground.

When I bent down to see if it was heads because then it would mean it was good luck. But if it was tails then I'd flip it, wishing good luck on the next person who'd take it.

Once I came up from picking up the penny I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

I was confused.

The arms that embraced me didn't belonged to the man I yearned to be embraced by. No, these belonged to a stranger who had blonde hair.

"Please hug me." He whispered and I hesitated. "I ran into my crazy ex and I really need to hide but she keeps chasing me. If she gets a hold of me then it's game over. So please. Whatever you do don't let go of me until you see a girl with rainbow hair pass by."

"Alright I'll help you. But only because I would want someone to do the same for me." I said as memories from a few years ago filled my mind.

I remember how horrible it was when I ran into a person who made my life a living hell. And the best part wasn't the fact that I didn't have anywhere to hide, no, it was the fact that the person still remains oblivious to all of the things they made me go through as they greeted me with a smile.

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