Chapter Eight - Relief

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  "Can I help you?" She asked me and I couldn't speak. My fingers trembled while holding the papers I was given to deliver and my mouth felt dry.

"Who is it?" Russell asked and we soon faced each other. His eyes widen and I blankly, without any emotion looked back.

"I'm sorry for intruding, but I was told by your teacher to give these papers to you. It seems like she forgot." I said to him using a monotone voice similar to the one he used when he's mad.

He came closer and I, using both of my hands, shoved the small stack of papers at him. Once I did so I walked away, closing the elevator doors and walking out of the building to go home.

I didn't bother to look back because if I did then I'm sure my heart would've broken into a million pieces at that moment.

I am an idiot.

I said to myself as my eyes began to water.

The biggest idiot of all time. That was my title and I swore to defend it as of this moment.

Soon my eyes began to brew a storm and tears fell down my face. Each taking its own path until it rolled off my face and hit the ground or my clothes.

Oh god.

What has that he done to me! Making me cry over something like this. And the worst part was that I was going to confess but it wasn't even Russell who answered his own door!

I wiped my tears as I went to open the door to the house. But when I went to grab the knob, the door was flung open by my cousin?

"I'm sorry!" Sam shouted and soon he looked at me.

"Sam?" I asked as his anxious light brown eyes met my green tear stained ones. "Are you okay?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" Sam asked as he wiped whatever was left on my cheeks. "Is your boyfriend giving you a hard time?" I nodded.

Wait, how did he know?

"I went to confess my feelings and I saw him with a girl from school. I caught them talking earlier too." I said while looking away.

"That doesn't mean anything." I snapped my head at him. "You know most times girls exaggerate small things like this and then misunderstand the situation completely."

"I see. And your point is?" I asked as I was slightly getting impatient. How could Sam be right all the time? Seriously it's annoying.

"The point is that you should still tell him your feelings before you regret it later. Because after all you said that girl goes to your school and from what I've heard about this kid, he doesn't seem the type to play with girls. Maybe he's tutoring her." Sam concluded and my eyes widen in realization.

That girl.

If I'm not wrong she was wearing a yellow sticker on her uniform when I saw her today. Those stickers, the yellow ones to be exact, stand for 'needs tutoring.' I remember because I had to tutor someone last year and that's how I came to find the person that was assigned to me. Because of that sticker...

I truly am an idiot.

"Why are you here Sam? Aren't you taking finals?" I asked and his eyes near popped out of his head. "Don't tell me you forgot!"

"Bye little cousin." He shouted as he began running over towards his car.

How come I didn't notice it earlier? Maybe it's cause my heart was hurt and still is from what happened. Although I did react more dramatic then I should've, I'm still upset that Russell didn't tell me anything.

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