Chapter Seven - Should I Confess

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Another few weeks passed by and soon it was the last Thursday before we had thanksgiving break.

  My feelings for Russell had died down a bit but remind present. I continued to hide my feelings even thought at times it was hard. But Russell was making it harder as he was being nice, too nice to me recently. And I didn't like it.

  Dustin had began to support me in whatever actions I took towards Russell. Whether I'd follow my feelings through or reject them, he'd support me. Alice also supported me with this as she often gave me advice.

"Hey I'm talking to you." Russell said as he smacked the top of my head, breaking me from the trance of thoughts I had been lost in.

"That hurt!" I shouted at him with watery eyes as I rub the top of my head. The pain was temporary but he still didn't have to do that.

"It was your fault for spacing out. I just treated you like anyone would do to their kitten that wasn't paying attention to their master." Russell defended and I stared at him.

He was evil, rude and most of all rigid. His heart was cold and nothing seemed to warm it. Nothing at all.

And what's even worse, was the fact that my heart was filled of love for him. Out everyone in this planet, my heart choose him. And why it did, that was an answer I wanted to know.

"What's with you today?" His amber eyes pierced my green ones as he tried to shift through the many emotions held within them.

"I guess you could say that I'm distracted by you." I said without realizing what I did. Russell's gaze shifted into a deeper one and I tried to hide mine as I could feel my cheeks heat up.

   Before he could get anymore of a closer look, I bolted. I ran away from him and down the neighborhood until I got home.

    Shutting the door behind me I let out a sigh. I'm relieved that he didn't notice.

   "Jane did you book your train ticket yet?" My aunt asked as she peaked her head from the kitchen. I shook my head and she smiled. "Good because I bought them today..."

   With a smile I walked over to meet my aunt in the kitchen, as well as to grab a snack.

   "Thank you!" I said as I gave Cece a hug. Her expression showed another side to the story and I knew that what she wanted to tell me wouldn't be easy.

    "Your uncle Robin and I have to work over break and Sam has to take his finals." She said gently as if she was slowly pealing off a bandage. "I'm sorry Jane, I really am."

   I waved my hand back and forth, telling her that it was okay. It's not like visiting my parents is a big deal.

  "It's okay." I said as I reassured her worries. "I know mom and dad will understand. After all they did send me to you and uncle for a reason. Plus I'm sure they know your feelings."

   After I spoke to Cece she left for work and I went upstairs to my room. For the next few hours I began thinking about how it'll be when I go back home to visit. I wonder how my parents are doing.

   I can't believe I almost forgot that it was the twenty-third of November Wednesday. I should probably start packing my stuff.

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