Not Again

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James POV
As soon as I go to say something everything goes black.

Third Person POV
"NOT AGAIN" Remus yells as James hits the floor.

Lily and Remus rush to his aid as Sirius, Peter, and James 2.0 start laughing. Albus and Scorpius look on curiously.

"Come on Potter, get up, it's just a stupid prank." Lily says. She looks up suddenly, "you guys are having me on right?"

"'Fraid not" Albus says smiling sheepishly at his grandma. Meanwhile Remus rennervates James.

"How can you expect me to believe that you're my future grandkids when James and I have never even been on a date?"

"Well I know something only you and your sister know about," Albus says smirking.

Sorry it's only like 100 words ik it's really short but I said I'd update like two days ago so I figured I'd just post what I have so far. Also cliffhanger?

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