Telling the Marauders {Part 3}

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Sirius' POV

I come to with a crowd of people surrounding me, still laying in Moony's arms.

He looks down at me worryingly, "Darling are you alright, you kind of passed out there for a minute."

I blink a few times, "yeah it's just kind of unbelievable, my cousin and that douche, and my best friend and his crush that happens to hate him. It all very- you guys aren't sirius right?"

"Very serious," Dumbledore says motioning for Moony and Wormtail to help me up. "I figured it'd be best to introduce you all until we find a way to send them back"

Remus looks up, "Which reminds me why are you telling us before James and Lily?"

"Well we figured we might honestly use you guys as a test to infer upon what Lily and James' reactions will be." Dumbledore explains. "So we figured we'd give you guys some time to yourselves to talk and have introductions."

"Brilliant!" I exclaim, dashing to the side of the room where the supposed time travelers are.

Remmy who was holding my hand at the moment was dragged across the room with me. Pete followed shortly thereafter.

"So introductions!" I say excitedly. "I'm sure you already know that I'm Sirius and this is my boyfriend Remus and that's Peter-"

"Sirius," Remus says interrupting me, "Don't you think Lily and James might need to be here for their introductions."

"Oh, well someone get them in here then." I respond still looking like an eager puppy, I'm sure. But hey no shame here.

Third Person POV

McGonagall rolls her eyes as she goes to fetch James and Lily.

They come in looking hesitant but curious as to what was going on. Dumbledore and McGonagall quietly slip out to give the kids time to talk.


"You can't be our grandkids, this must be some kind of joke." Lily says incredulously. James nods his head in agreement, seemingly speechless.

It's short but I just had to update, I felt horrible for putting it off. But hey leaving it off on a cliff hanger. How will Lily and James react? I'd also really like to thank everyone for the attention this story is getting!

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