12. Biology

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I am imposing a  5 10 15 20 rule.

5 comments telling me who you wish the father to be.

10 fans,

15 votes,

20 comments (on this story alone, including the 5 telling who the father is.),

and I will reveal the father. 


Because maybe the father is Liam.

Or maybe it's Louis or Zayn, and that screws that up.


Also if you like this, tell your friends.

Thank youuuuuu!


I trudged into work the next day. i was getting god damn sick of wearing scrubs. The one direction had it easy. They were basically retired, only working at their leisure. All I wanted to do was spend time with my kids, and spoil them, but I had to work so they could eat.

I finally pulled my scrubs on and went to the actual surgery room, where i was assigned for the day. A little boy was there, no older than six, with a cut on his chin, scraped up knees, and tears pouring down his face.

His mother cooed to him soothing things, how it was going to be ok, but he didn't look so assured. 

"What happened, bud? First, what's your name?"

Lie, it was on the sheet on my clipboard. With little kids, it would weird them out if I already knew their names, so I played dumb.

"I," Sobs wracked his body, snot was flowing freely down his face.

"His name is Charlie," His mother turned to me and smiled apologetically.

"So, five stitches charlie. Can we do it?"

"NO! NO NO NO!" He started kicking and fussing.

"Shhh, Charlie..." His mother pulled him in to her chest.

"We will get you the new lego set when we get home, if you can do this for me,"



"You're lying!"

"No, please, so let doctor..."


"Let doctor Valerie get your boo boo better."


And I stitched his chin shut, as his mother told him all about the lego set. It was pretty cute. Afterwards, he thanked me, and she got a picture of us together.

After Charlie, I gave a 40 year old woman who had broken her foot trying to move a church pew.

People doing stupid things.

Anyway, it was a quarter to midnight when I was called to Ms. Mckinnon's office.

Am I going to be fired? No, I can't be. No no no.

Why else would she want to talk to me though? I was racking my brain as I finally got to the threshold of her office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in, Val!"

I came in and sat down in the plush chairs she kept there.

"So, I understand that you have two children, and that you work night shifts so you can be with them during the day, Correct?"

"Uh, yes?"

"So, I was thinking about how I can make your life easier. You're only twenty six-"

"Twenty seven next month."

"Yeah, but that's still relatively youthful. I was talking to some of my associates who do research, who teach biology in schools."

"What kind of school?"

"Middle, high school. The south side is in some serious need of good educators, and from what I've gathered from your diagnosings, that you would make a marvelous teacher."

"So you're saying...?"

"I have gotten you a job at a high school in the south side. It's not the nicest neighborhood, even for the south side, but I do think you have the capability to change lives here. Also, it would give you summers off, and you'd get to sleep at night."

"That sounds lovely. Am I qualified?"

She chuckled. 

"More than enough."

"it sounds like a great opportunity."

It did. I could get home at five every night, see my children, help them with homework. I'd get to sleep at 9, and be up at 5, back to work, to drive across the city. It... hmm.

"I'll do it."

"Thank you. I will keep you on the staffing list at this hospital, but as a volenteer. You will get payed for the rest of the summer for your overtime work these past couple days. So go enjoy your summer. Also, Please take your delightful young children over for dinner one night."

"Oh why thank you! Yes, that would be nice. Thank you so much for this!"

"And Valerie?"


"Go home and get some sleep." 

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