2. Candles

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I personally think the family is adorable.

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I don't ask for much

Eliifer X


I was steppimg down the ladder I had used to hand up the lanterns. It was a tradition, going back to their first birthday. Birthday lanterns, swinging from the pear trees. Even that year it rained, we still had them inside. Our house, from street view, was more towards the left of the property, so we had a fair amount of side yard, and a back yard where the garden was located.

Henry was chasing Isabelle who was shrieking in the back yard, darting through the trees, up and down the slide.

"Hey!" I said, jumping to the ground.

"Don't climb up the slide!"

"But he licked his hand and is chasing me with it."

"C'mon Henry, you know better. Go wash up."

I straightened out the three tables we had alligned out on the grass. I checked to see if the pinata was still hiding in the shed. I had invited all the boys and girls in their class. My kids were popular. I'm always worried Bella will be mean to some girl, but with her friends she's a dork. In a nice way.

As everyone came and mingled happily, I walked over to Luke and his pregnant wife, Shannon. Remember Shannon? She was a big one direction fan. They were going to the concert tonight.

"How are you lot?"

"Good, where are the birthday kids?"

"Playing. I'll call them over now."

"Oh no let them play. You only get one eighth birthday."

We had a nice conversation about gas prices and how things are going at Shannon's firm. They were doing a case that was being followed intently by the media, which was very... boring. It was about the Mayor stealing money or whatever and if he had the right.

No, he didn't, that was public money, but Shannon's firm was defending him.

That money would go to single mothers, new citizens, the unemployed, all those who needed it.

I nodded politely at all this. This wasn't the point of the party. It was about the two most beautiful children turning a year older.

The thirteenth of every month is something that makes me smile. It reminds me of the exact age the two greatest human beings are. I love them so much, I'd do anything, anything for them.

I whipped out my video camera and filmed the pinata losing it's guts, and Henry's friend Matt being showered in candy. Isabelle and Matt had little crushes on each other, it was adorable. Matt's mother Candy was the sweeteest woman. Haha, candy, pinata, sweet.

It was darling ot see him give her a tootsie roll, because those were her favorites.

I got them blowing out the candles on the single, giant cake we got from the supermarket, with their names in green and pink frosting, the decals done in blue.

"What did you wish for?"

"I can't tell you, it's a secret."

"Oh, ok."

Their last day of school had been yesterday, and they played hot cross buns on the recorder. It hurt my ears, but it was so cute.

The whole party was a happy, sweet blur. Everyone left. We went to the beach. We went home. We had a compromise dinner of grilled chicken and mangoes, with jello. I hated Jello, but Is can eat it by the pound. I can barely look at jello, so grandma prepared it. I'd sit at a table with a bowl full of jiggling jello cubes for these kids.

We watched a movie, Hurcules. I was raising them on classic disney movies and classic litature. I told them that when they were twelve, I'd show them Forrest Gump. Henry fell asleep in my lap, Bella in grandma's. We carried them upstairs, and I dashed to my old car to start my shift.

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