Living Dead

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Well that's what she felt like for the rest of the year.

Being a clever child, she knew for her safety she'd have to change her appearance as well as her name. she made a dye out of berries and flowers and kitchen powders to make a hair dye. It was red and would become permanent, eventually. She used the hair curlers to make ringlets. Using a small amount of money, she bought contact lenses but the had the picture of an eye on them so if you put them on it would somehow change your eye colour (A.N. this is a magic version of our world.) People would also recognise her voice. That one was the hardest. Until she remembered she was half Scottish and half Irish. Her mother had always wanted her to use English vowels rather than the rough Gaelic blur of a language. But now that was what she needed. She thought of the stories her father would tell her, she thought of those because he would use his accent of an Irish boy who grew up in Scotland. She started copying his accent. After a week it came naturally to her.

And so life went on as she waited for her papa. But she had to enrol for school in a few weeks. She couldn't write detailed sentences yet but she could write cursive and she could forge her parents signatures.

"No that wouldn't work, I can't put their signatures in cause they will know its me," she thought. So she made up some names and signatures.

And life was fine,..........

Till the letter came.


Hiya everyone

Cliff Hanger!!!!!!

How did you like that fill in chapter?

Yes it was just a fill in so she wouldn't be suddenly at school.

Any who it's question time

What are your two favourite musicals?

I saw the lion king this year and I like the sound of phantom of the operas storyline. My high school is doing hairspray this year and I'm on the vocal chorus!!!!!!!

Any way I would love to hear from you guys about any thing; problems, stories with no one reading them (actually a bit like this one) ect.


So I love ya guys

See ya


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