His Daughter

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The man was obviously trying to muffle the noises he was making.
Jenn heard it from the other side of the spacious cell.
He was crying.
Jenn silently crept up behind him.
He had a photograph.
Of a baby girl with bright blinking green eyes. The baby was in the arms of a woman with soft strawberry blonde hair.
He tourneys the frame around.
On the other side was another photo.
Of a family.
He was there with one arm around the mother and one hand on a little girls shoulder.
The mother and daughter both had brown hair.
The mother held a small babe in her arms.
The babe was asleep. Its blonde hair wispy and short.
"Anne my dear. Why did you leave. Why did we need another boy," he whispered.
"Tell Margaret that I love her," he sighed.
Jenn stumbled back silently.
He was here.
She collapsed.
The man was her dad!


Sorry it's so short
But I've been updating quite often so all those make up for it.
Love yas
Chapter 30!!!
When did that happen?

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