CHAPTER 31! (Btw this does have story in it).

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Ahhhhh I'm at 31?! When did that happen.
I probably have a bit too many filler chapter.
Anywho on with the story!

"Meg! Grab my hand!"
"I can't papa. It's too far away!"
"Just reach a bit more! Thats it! Think you are a long branch on a tree."
"I still can't get you."
"Meg get back away from the edge."
"But papa! I need to help you!"
"No Meg."
"You're gonna fall!"
He caught her hand.
"You're safe."
"Hahahaha. But you're not."

Jenn woke up panting.
Her papa had turned into Tommy Crutch and had thrown her if the crumbling cliff.
She started crying. She was every inch a child still, though she was eighteen.
In her head she heard a soft voice start singing.
'Sleep my child and peace attend thee, all through the night," her mothers lullaby for her and her brothers came into her head.
'Guardian angels god will send thee, all through the night,' she joined in.
"While the moon her watch is keeping, all through the night. While the weary world is sleeping all through the night."
"Soft the drowsy hours are creeping! Hill and dale in slumber sleeping, I my loving vigil keeping, all through the night.
Her voice echoed off the cave like cell. The light dawn light coming in through the grate in the roof.
A tenor voice joined in.
It wasn't the man she thought her papa. It came from the grate.
"Jeremy?" Jeremy Lambert was kneeling by the grate.
"Jennifer. What? How?"
"Why are you here?" she inquired of him.
"I was taking a walk in my families field trying to think things out when I heard you're singing. My mum used to use that lullaby on us."
"So did mine. Used? I thought you had a baby sister?" Asked Jenn.
"My mum..... passed..."
"Don't say it. Mine died when I was seven, giving birth to my second brother."
He sniffled, "oh. I'm sorry."

"Why are you down there?" he asked.
"Now that is a very good question. Well I was arrested. Blindfolded and brought here."
"And where is here?"
"The gaol for magics and pirates. Pretty much anything fairy tale related."
"Jeremy!!!!" a voice sounded far off.
"I have to go. That's my step ma. She hates me."
"Tell Camilla and Lilac I'm okay!"
He nodded and ran.
Well she assumed he ran because she couldn't see him.

The next night Jenn couldn't sleep so she didn't.
She sat up thinking.
Till she heard a noise.

"*grunt. No Anne. We have to take you to the hospital for this one."
"Meg and Bert weakened you to much."
"It can't be too late!"
"You won't make it here!"
He started sobbing.
"What have I done!? I've killed her. Meg looks so much like her. How will I be able to look at her with out feeling all this guilt?"
Jenn realised she was reading his thoughts.
That's it she thought.
She walked over to him on the other side of the cell.
She took a breathe in.
"Papa?" she said placing her small hand on his shoulder.
He jumped startled.
"Yes papa. It's me."
He reached out and stroked her cheek.
"Oh Meg. You look so much like you're mother."
"I know."

"You didn't kill Mum."

The song is the lullaby.
That was the best recording I could find.

But anyway.
Father and daughter reunited!
And why did I bring Jeremy back?
All part of my secret plan! Of course
Try and guess
Anywho gotta go

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