The Lovers Tale

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Journal, I don't know what to do! She's gone again, disappeared this time... I need to see her again! Now we are together I love her even more! Before I kept telling myself to stop loving her cause iI'd never get her.... Others are getting jealous, they think I don't deserve her, and I probably don't but she picked me!
Jenn, where in the world are you?


Dear Diary,
It's unfair! How come she gets everything! She doesn't follow the latest trends, she is pretty I suppose but it's not a normal pretty, it's old fashioned and earthy! Disgusting! and then she goes and takes MY FUTURE HUSBAND!!!! I know he has money in the bank but he just can't use it!
That girl....
She just flounces in one day and destroys my whole life! Her little friends are just as bad! My love deserves me NOT her! I'm far better than her! Ughh I don't even know why I love him! He is a nerd and I am a PREP!!!!
I promise that she will never get to see him as her boyfriend again!

Excerpts from two diary entries

The door creaked open. Light streamed into my eyes.
I turned to look at the face...
"You!" it was, of course, Tommy Crutch.
"Me what?"
"Why am I here? I did nothing wrong!"
"Ohhh," he chuckled, "you think you're in jail! Well take another guess... Try my families private dungeon."
"So this isn't legal?"
"Nope, not at all. Nothing that happens down here is!"
And with that he turned and left.
I could see a figure crouched in the corner.
We were in cells in a larger room. A Dark, wet, cold and dead room.

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