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    "I was born January 18, 2001, Los Angeles, California. My mother is Celine Herondale. When i was three we moved to Manhattan. My mom died there in a car crash when i was six. My dad took care of me most of my life with my grandmother. We moved back to LA after my mother died. Then my grandmother died from natural causes about two years ago... It hit me and my dad hard. She was an amazing woman.." Jace says. "Then i met Kaelie... I gave her everything... My first kiss, first time...and then she stabbed me in the back my marrying my father." Jace says with an eye roll. "I want to take over my dad's movie production company. So i'm going to Wharton in pennsilvania to study business." He explains. "And thats about it," Jace says

     "Wow...Ok... Um...I'm sorry about your mother...and your grandmother..." I say as i grab Jace's hands from across the table. I feel a jolt of electricity course through me. Jace jolts at the same sensation.

      "It's...It's been a long time," he says with a sad smile.

      "Right...Well.. Um... I was born here... August 23, 2001" I say with a small smile. "Um.. My mom was an artist, and my dad was an acountant. My mom fell in love with my father..but she never really wanted a family...I was a accident. She hated having a family...a child specifically. She felt trapped. So, when i turned five, she hung herself...she couldn't take the responsability of having a child. Thats when my dad started drinking. He was in love with my mom...and he blamed me for her death. He drunk everywhere. When i turned fifteen he was let go of his job. So I started to work." I say as i look up at Jace. He stared at me with his perfect Golden eyes.

      "I know....I know im supposed to...To say i'm sorry for your loss and everything" Jace says.  "But...I just...I... I know thats doesn't really help," Jace says.

     "Yeah," i say with a huff of laughter. Jace looks deep into my eyes. He tucks one of my red curls behind my ear.   

      "What's wrong with us?" He asks. "Why is it that sometimes i feel like i know every single part of you when in reality i know less than a rock.." He whispers.

      "I don't know," I say with a soft giggle. Jace grabs my face, cupping my cheeks. He pulls me across the table and kisses me. I run my fingers through his blonde hair. Why is it that i'm falling in love with you


   It's been about a month since i got to know Jace. Now it's mid July. Jace and i had just finished with my normal chores in the stables and we were at the lake. We were sitting in the shallow area of the lake. The small waves slowly moving sde to side.

      "Um...Jace...I have a small question..." I tell him.

     "ok...Shoot," he smiles.

      "what....what are we?" I ask him.

      "What?" he asks.

     "What is the status of our relationship?" I ask him.

I'm going through a few things in my personal life at the moment, so I'm sorry if I don't reply to your comments or if I update late.

Thank you for reading, I love you all❤️

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