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"Oh come on Clary..." Jace says as he gets up. I throw the water on to the cobble stones and put the brush on the rusty sink. "Tons of poor people go on vacation...that's why they're poor," Jace explains.
        "Well, I haven't gone on a vacation since I was six....so..."
         "Oh...ok...." he says. He silently stares at me for five seconds. "I'm bored, let's go do something!" Jace grins. I roll my eyes. "Come onnnnn! Let's ride the horses!" Jace says excitedly.
"No, I can't. I have to work.."
"Oh yeah? Well as a superior to your supervisor I say that the horses need to go exercise, I mean look at them..." Jace lightly slaps Zero's shoulder. Zero's wars move in such a way, indicating that he's angry and doesn't like Jace. I giggle at them. "What?" Jace asks.
"Well...I wouldn't choose zero to ride," I giggle.
"Why?" He asks.
"He hates you," I explain.
"What? No he doesn't," Jace says.
"His ears says he does," I giggle. Jace frowns.
"You're a weird chick," he mumbles as he walks away from zero. When horses are angry or don't like someone they move their ears a certain way indicating how they feel. I sigh and go towards Honey. I put the saddle on her and look over at Jace. He seemed to know how to get on a horse. Shocking. I open the gate and get on Honey. I slowly guide her out of her stable and towards the door. Jace was behind me with X-Ray. "So...when did you learn how to ride?" Jace asks.
"When I got this job....it's one of the highest paying jobs that will accept people under eighteen...or...at least it was... now I could work at McDonald's and get paid the same," I say as I roll my eyes. "Stupid Volvo..." I mumble.
        "Oh...ok...I thought you learned before you got the job." Jace says with a slight frown of confusion.
       "Well, that's what my resume said...but that doesn't matter anymore...I learned and I fulfilled all requirements to be in this Job," I tell Jace. He looks down at X-Ray's black Maine. Suddenly he looks up. His face gets slightly paler.
        "Where are we going?!" He asks.
       "Down to the lake," I say simply.
       "No." He says sternly. I look up at Jace.
      "No?" I ask.
     "No. Let's go back," he says.
      "Why?" I ask.
      "Because I said so..." Jace growls. He yanks X-Rays bridle back making him stop. Jace hops down off of the horse. "If you want to go then go but I'm not going," Jace angrily says as he throws the bridle to my face. He the. Turns around and stomps away. What the hell? He was fine a moment ago...why did he suddenly get angry at me? Did I say something? I sigh and get off Honey. I guide them back up the hill towards the stables.

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