Chinchi Revenge

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     "I thought you love me! Only me!" As she throw the picture of Shen Wei in the trash can. "I'll get my revenge on that Yunlan who took my Shen Wei from me!" She shout.

     The said couple were strolling around the mall with few bodyguards around them. Shen Wei doesn't want Yunlan to hide in their house forever and thus he made him gone to a mall with full of people. At least no one will dare harm or kidnapped him with many people looking at them.

     "Shen Wei do you think it's safe here?!" He ask. "Don't worry Yunlan I'm here and our new body guards nothing can go wrong. But suddenly the light switch off as the rained suddenly poured hard outside. Luckily the mall have a temporary machine as the mall lights again.
Shen Wei was a bit surprised as Yunlan embrace him tightly.

      He suddenly cough, making Yunlan realize what's his doing and when about to removed himself. Shen Wei hold him tight to his embrace, "Maybe your right! The mall is quiet a dangerous place! Maybe we need some quiet place to go!" As he wiggle his brow.

     They never notice some one watching them from afar. "Boss your right they're here! Do you want me to send Yunlan on a platter or newspaper?" As the man chuckle.

      When Shen Wei and Yunlan went to watch a movie. "Hey! Yunlan do you want some drinks?" Shen Wei ask. "Okey! A Coke in can please!" As he doing his puppy face making Shen Wei smile to him. He ordered it to one of his bodyguards, as he went away leaving two more body guards.

      Suddenly a few men walk by the body guards and  suddenly they spray something. Making the bodyguards sleep. While Yunlan lean to Shen Wei to sleep for a while for his very tired. He never noticed Shen Wei have been sprayed by something as they took both of them to a nearby exit.

       Yunlan was shocked when he was awaken by the tumbling of the road. As he saw himself in a van with big men around him. He tried to shout but his mouth is been gag and his feet and hands are been tied. As he struggled to get free he saw Shen Wei lying next to him unconcious and also been tied up.

     As the man beside him laughing, "Our boss will surely give us bonus if she see what we have!" As he pat Yunlan's head.

      When they came to a mansion as they took them in. Yunlan was surprised it was Chinchi all along. She was surprised to see Shen Wei with them. "You stupid Ork! I told Yunlan only! Not Shen Wei! You don't know what will happen to us if he find out it was me who kidnapped him and his husband.

      As the man apologize and took Shen Wei to another room. Yunlan tried to shout to Shen Wei to wake up, but his husband is knock out by the spray that is given to him.

      When  suddenly Chinchi grip his face, "Yunlan! You'll be regretting you married Shen Wei!" As she took a pocket knife. "Let see if Shen Wei will still love you if your handsome face is scared with wounds!" She said.

      The said Shen Wei finally woke up seeing his in a dark place and all tied up. He tried to scream for help but his mouth is gag as well. He suddenly remembered his cellphone in his pocket as he tried to reach for it. The cellphone tumble and fall but it went on and it's light illuminate the darkness. As he saw beside him the picture of Chinchi and him.

      Suddenly his phone ring as he reach for it officer Bingbing was calling. As he text him we're they are and the address of it. Within a minute officer Bingbing came with a troup of police . And raid the place of Chinchi.

      As Shen Wei was untied by a policeman. He hurriedly went were Yunlan is but was shocked to see he was gone. He tried to shake Chinchi were he hide Yunlan. But she only laugh at him. "You will never see him again or recognize his face!" She shout to him. As the police taken her to the mobile car, the other police search high and low just to find Yunlan but to no avail they can't find him.

      The said Yunlan was taken by the van again by Chinchi other men. As he was thrown at the sea near a pier and was left there to die in the sea. They never anticipate a fishermen was rowing his boat that night. As they saw someone thrown a big sack in the sea.  They suddenly row fast for that sack looks like a human. And one of them dive to save it.

     It's been days and so. In the cell, Chinchi still never told them what happened to Yunlan. Shen Wei was feeling hopeless in finding his husband while his mother comfort him. As his father saw his son looking so gloomy and won't eat. He have no choice but to help him search for Yunlan dead or alive. Just to make his son happy again.  While Yunlan's friends are also trying to find him everywhere. As they gave pictures and telephone to stores, malls, schools, everywhere just to find there missing friend.

     As Da quing got a call to unknown number in his cellphone that he saw his friend. They suddenly went to a nearby village were fisherman stayed. As the men called them lead them to a small house were there laid a man  with blanket.

    "Yunlan! Is that you?!" Da quing suddenly shout. The man suddenly covered his face and didn't want to see him. While the fisherman who save him gave Da quing his wallet.

     As Da quing open the wallet, he was shocked it's Yunlan wallet. But why won't he responds to his call. He run toward the cover man. As he tried to take off the blanket. Yunlan scream and shoved Da quing but it made the blanket fall off to him. Seeing what happened to his face. Da quing was shock and speechless on what he see.

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