The Decision

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     When Yunlan came back to the store, luckily Da quing was having a lovely time with a cute customer.

     He almost slipped away. As Da quing notice him and shout. "Where have you been!" Making the cute girl scared at him as well as Yunlan. As Da quing transformed into a mother hen scolding and shouting Yunlan like a child.

      "I have delivered the chicken and quiet traffic in the area!" He lied. "Traffic? Traffic?! In a motor bike?! You can squeeze at any area?!" He shout again. But as he look at his side. The cute girl bat her eye lashes on him. Becoming gentler, "Okey...okey... Just don't go to someone I knew!" He said. "To whom?! Yunlan ask. "To your ex as in Shen Wei! Don't go near him again!" As he turned and not noticing Yunlan swallowed hard.

     For he not only got near him but made love to him over and over. As he promise to call him for another round. He went quickly to the kitchen and cook again another batch of chicken and tried to avoid the mother hen or you may say his friend Da quing.

     When night came, while waiting for another order. He was immerse on his phone if he will call Shen Wei or forget about him. But that morning still lingers to him, his touch, his body and those delicious soft pink lips on him. That making him crazy to not think of him. And wanted to bang his head to forget what happened. Suddenly Da quing called him, for his new mysterious friend, Longge ordered another bunch of chicken. As he hurriedly cooked it and rode his bike again.

     When he knocked on the door Longge have already waited for him. As he invited him for a little chit chat. He never knew that little chit chat will take long while Longge caressing his arms every now and then. Making Yunlan felt guilty for his heart is still with Shen Wei. He always make it clear to him that they're only friends for his heart belong to someone. While that someone is screaming with happiness inside. If only Yunlan can see his Longge under his mask blushing furiously.

     As it's time to leave again. Longge hug him again. As that hug keep lingering on to Yunlan. Yunlan can't help to wonder why this man like to hug him and why he letting himself be hug by him. But as Shen Wei forgot himself and suddenly humm on Yunlan's neck making Yunlan surprised. "Is he smelling me?!" As he jerk back. "Ha ..ha... I better be leaving. He said.

     But Shen Wei hold his hand and squeeze it. "I....I...can we have a dinner date tomorrow night?" As Shen Wei ask. Yunlan was a bit shocked. "Just like friends right?!" Said Yunlan. "Yes!" As Shen Wei unintentionally squeeze Yunlan hand again.

     "Why not?! He smiled as he retrieve his hand back and ride his bike again and left. Funny thing is his heart almost burst when Longge held his hand tightly like Shen Wei.
Making him think again. "Do I like that guy as well?" He ask himself as he hold his heart. Not seeing the vehicle that almost clashing at his bike.

     While Shen Wei was waiting for Yunlan to disappered from his sight a vehicle almost crushed onto him. "Yunlan!!!" He quickly ran toward him. As he help him up from his ruined motor bike. While the driver of the truck help them get to a nearest hospital to check if his okey.

     Yunlan was surprised as Longge take care of him while he was treated by the doctor. " Please don't call my friend they will got worried again. The doctor told me it's only a minor scratch as I can be discharged here quickly." As Longge just nod. And quickly help him up.

     As they hale a cab Longge stayed with him until they reach the store. Da quing almost scream as he see Yunlan condition tailing him is Lin Jing. "What happened?! You fool! Almost hitting Yunlan on the shoulder as they notice the stranger with him.

     "Shoot! What if they see in my disguise!" Shen Wei internally said.
As he quickly about to leave. Da quing block his way. Looking at him from head to foot. "So your the mysterious guy Yunlan being telling me about. Why not have a coffee just a thanks for bringing my friend back here!" But Shen Wei just shake his head and want to leave. It's now Lin Jing who suddenly hold his both shoulders. "Wow you got a nice shoulder!"

     "We're all brothers here! So don't be shy to us!" As he made Shen Wei sit on their store and gave him a coffee to drink. As both Da quing and Lin Jing looking at him from head to toe. As they notice his not drinking his coffee and still wearing the mask. "Aren't you hot in wearing that mask?" As Lin Jing about to reach for it. Yunlan slapped his hand. Longge don't want anyone to touched him." Said Yunlan. "Phew! That almost blew my cover!" Said Shen Wei. As they were happily talking. Yunlan excuse himself.
Da quing notice it, "Whose your calling? Is it Shen Wei again?!" As Da quing shout.

     "Oh! No!" Said Shen Wei to himself. As he took his phone inside his pocket and silent it. "I'm not calling anybody!" Yunlan lied. When he went to the bathroom he text Shen Wei.

     While Da quing, Lin Jing and the said Longge is having a nice discussion. Suddenly Shen Wei phone vibrate. As he excuse himself and read his text. "Hey! Are you home already?" Yunlan text. As Shen Wei reply, "Well, hello my lovely! Why?" As a text appeared again, "About our date maybe tomorrow is fine!" He text. Shen Wei want to jump there but he stop himself for Da quing and Lin Jing might discovered him. "Fine! What time?" He text back. "How about Eight!" Yunlan text. Shen Wei suddenly remembered what about Longge date? Did Yunlan forgot?" He told himself. As he said, " Yes."
When he came back, he told them he need to go back home. They called Yunlan for Longge needed to go home. As Yunlan came back from the bathroom, he made sure to walk Longge from their store outside  and thank him from all the help properly.

     "Longge could you still help me for tomorrow. Since we're friends? Could you cover me from my friends that we have a date tomorrow?" He ask. "Did he just ask Longge to cover him up for our date? Is he ditching Longge for Shen Wei?" He whispered to himself. As he nod unreturned. "But I hope we can continue our date a day after tomorrow?" He ask. "Anything you say I'll do it! Thanks!" As Yunlan unintentionally kiss him on the cheek and left happily. Shen Wei was shocked did his boyfriend just kiss another guy? He almost got mad, but he chuckled as he remembered Longge was him. As he left touching by his hand were Yunlan kiss him and smile.

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