Dealing With The In Laws

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       When Yunlan came back home with Shen Wei. "Yunlan! This will be our room!" Shen Wei said as he embrace Yunlan from behind and opening the big room.

      Surprising him since he never imagined he'll be leaving with Shen Wei from now on. Inside their  room,  the color of their room blue and gold, a queen size blue bed with two bathrooms, two rooms for their clothes and shoes, a big television, a refigerator, a couch if they a visitor to chat with and a table with two chairs.

      "How do you like our new room?" Said Shen Wei. "Wow! This look like our own house already!" He said. "Just for you! I'll do anything!" As he kiss Yunlan cheek. "Hey! Shen Wei after we finished our folding our clothes here can I visit my friends back home?" He ask. "Why not? I'll accompany you!" Shen Wei said. Yunlan was so happy. "Thanks! Love!" As he embrace Shen Wei.

     Suddenly Shen Wei phone ring, Shen Wei face suddenly change. "Father? What do you want?" He suddenly went to another room to talk to his father. Yunlan felt trouble is gonna start again.

      An hour pass, "Da quing! Lin Jing!" As Yunlan came running toward his friends. They all stop their jumping as they saw Shen Wei.
Da quing welcome him with a bear hug. "Thanks for talking care of my friend!" He said to him. "Yunlan don't forget after this were gonna visit our parents!" Said Shen Wei.

     Making Da quing and Lin Jing looking worried for they watched the news that Mr. Shen had got out of the jail again. "Yunlan are you sure you are fine in visiting them! His father had got out again!" Whispered Lin Jing to him.

      "Oh! That we have already talk about it, Mr. Shen told me I'm welcome to his family! He have gone with his wife to Hawaii just to see us!" Said Yunlan as he tried to make a smile. "Don't worry Shen Wei will be there to protect me!" As he laugh. Making Da quing and Lin Jing look at one another. As Yunlan gave them souvenirs from their honeymoon four key chains, a pinya bag for Wang, a hat for Da quing, a floral shirt for Lin Jing and Sang and a cute shirt for the angel of Wang and Sang.

     An hour pass, before they gone to Shen Wei's family house. Da quing gave a chicken to give to the parents of Shen Wei. When they came to the house it was a huge mansion.

      Yunlan almost frozen at the spot as Shen Wei called him breaking his dream state there, as they continue to walk toward the house. They were greater by a old Butler Wheng and lead them to the dinning table since it will be dinner time.

     When they are seated. Shen Wei whispered to him. "I'll let you visit my room after we have eaten. As he squeeze Yunlan's cold hand. For his getting nervous.

     When the parents of Shen Wei came, they both stand up and bow to greet the two of them. As they began eating. Yunlan gave the chicken to Shen Wei's parents. "Wow! Yunlan it's very delicious!' Said the mother of Shen Wei. Yunlan thank her, "It's our specialty!" Said Yunlan. His father in law just smirk to him.

     As they finished there eating, the desert came. While Yunlan happily eating the black forest cake. "Yunlan did Shen Wei told you my condition? He ask. Yunlan shake his head and look at Shen Wei. "Father! Please it's not yet the time!" But his father cut him. "Yunlan I told to Shen Wei I needed a grandchild!" That made Yunlan widen his eyes. "But sir I can't produce a child?" As Mr. Shen cut him, "That's why I'm giving Shen Wei an option to have a child with another woman!" He said.

     Mrs. Shen Wei was shocked. As she stand up, "Honey! How could you! Even I can't do that to Yunlan!" She angrily said. Shen Wei tried to control his mother anger. "But darling! We need an heir for our fortune! We need to see the future here!" He said.

      Mrs. Shen have enough of it. She suddenly thrown water to her husband. Making everyone shocked. "You don't even considerate what Yunlan's feel!" She shout. Mr. Shen also stand up. As Shen Wei  stop them from fighting. "Yunlan! Please! Get mother out of here!" He said.

      Yunlan suddenly took Mrs. Shen Wei away from Mr. Shen. And into the library room. "Mother! Are you alright?" While making her seat on the couch and giving her some water. Mrs. Shen touched Yunlan's face. "I'm sorry about my husband Yunlan! I didn't know what's his thinking. As she almost cried.

     At the other side. Shen Wei almost scream at his father for suggesting it infront of Yunlan and his mother. "But I'm thinking about the future! Future of our company! If we don't have an heir?! What will happen to it?!" He angrily said.

      "But father! It's not yet the time! We just came back in our honeymoon! And I still didn't forgive you for what have you done to my Yunlan!" As he walk away from him.

      When he came to the library, "Mother, I think we need to go home for a while, maybe it's not the time yet for father and I to talk to." As he was about to take Yunlan. "Shen Wei can I stay at your home just for while!" His mother ask. "Mother? But we're just......" He was suddenly cut by Yunlan. "Why not mother?! Your our mother!" Said Yunlan.

     Shen Wei was shocked on what Yunlan said. "Are you okey with it?!" He ask. "Why yes love! She's your mother and now my mother as well. As he smiled to him.

      When they got home. Shen Wei lead his mother to a guest room.
As Yunlan changing his clothes, Shen Wei came and embrace Yunlan from behind. "Yunlan, mother wants me to sleep with her this night? Can I?" Shen Wei ask. "What?! I mean....okey?" Yunlan tried to smile. "I knew you would understand my mother!" As he kiss Yunlan on the cheek.

     That night Yunlan tried to sleep without his Shen Wei on his side. While Shen Wei also can't sleep without his Yunlan. When he saw his mother fell asleep, he walk slowly toward their room. He was surprised Yunlan was sleeping on the table drinking chocolate while watching t.v.  He switch the t.v. off, lift Yunlan and walk toward the bed. As he laid Yunlan on the bed, he suddenly went to his side and embrace and kiss him on the head, as slumber took him away.



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