Fun At The Beach

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      When Yunlan woke up, he suddenly remembered the picture, since his husband is in a good mood. He wake him up.

     But as Shen Wei woke up he suddenly wrapped Yunlan to his embrace and sucking and licking were he bit Yunlan on the neck. "Shen Wei! Wait! Can I now ask whose that guy in the picture?" He ask.

     As Shen Wei look at him, "You won't stop would you?! His my twin brother Yezun!" Shen Wei said. "Twin? Yezun? So, it is not a boyfriend or lover but a brother! Where is he and why did you...?" As Yunlan about to continue.

     Shen Wei kiss him, "His dead Yunlan, I don't want to talk about it!" He said. Yunlan suddenly embrace Shen Wei. "Sorry..." As he lean his head to Shen Wei and rubbed his back. Making Shen Wei sleep back.

     Minutes pass, as Shen Wei wakes up, he was surprised as Yunlan made him a porridge, fried eggs, toasted bread and a hot chocolate. And a note that say,

"I hope it brightens your breakfast day!😘"


     As Shen Wei read it, "Where is my adorable wife?" He ask himself. That adorable wife is surfing at the beach and almost plunging to the water.  When Shen Wei came, he watched Yunlan surfing but as he wave. Yunlan got distract and lost his balance and dive at the water.

     Making Shen Wei ran toward him as he tried to find were Yunlan is. Suddenly Yunlan emerge from the water behind him. As he surprised Shen Wei. Shen Wei almost jump back at him. As Yunlan laugh at him. Shen Wei hit him on the shoulder. "Don't frighten me like that! I almost got a heart attack!" He shout.

     Yunlan suddenly kiss him. "Shen Wei come and get me?!" As he ran away from him. "Are you kidding me?! Shen Wei said. As he tried to catch Yunlan. But he slide back into the water. Yunlan suddenly stop, he thought Shen Wei got hurt as he went back to help him, only to be held by Shen Wei embrace.

      And pulled him back to be kiss by Shen Wei, "I got you now! What will you do?! You naughty fox?!" As Shen Wei hold Yunlan tightly while giving him a rain of kisses making Yunlan giggle in surprise. "I love you Shen Wei!" As Yunlan cling to his neck and kiss him deeply.

    Moments later when both of them sun bathing. Yunlan got an idea since Shen Wei is sleeping he poured sand on Shen Wei trapping him into place. Suddenly he wake Shen Wei with kisses and ran away. Shen Wei want to bolt up to hug his wife but was stop by the sand. "What is this?! Yunlan! Get me out of here!" He shout. Alerting his body guards, "Sir did you want us to help you out?" They ask. Shen can't believe his Yunlan had trapped him again.

     While the mischievous Yunlan kept running away and laughing. He suddenly bump into someone unexpected Shen Wei's father. As he look menacing at Yunlan. Yunlan was shocked and tried to processed whose the man. As he back away and his head ache again. When the man reached Yunlan he block his vision and fell unconscious.

    Shen Wei and his men trying to find Yunlan when he saw his father  carrying the unconscious Yunlan to him. "Yunlan!" He run toward him as he snatched back his wife from his father.  "What have you done to my Yunlan!" He shout. "I didn't do anything he just faint when he saw me!" He said angrily. His mother came from behind. "His right Shen Wei he fell unconscious when he seen him.

     "Wait what are the two you doing here?! And why you accompany father here aren't his in jail! For almost killing my wife!" Shen Wei said furiously.

     "Shen Wei your father's change and want to repent on the things he done to Yunlan!" His mother said.

     In a minute, there back in the house. He laid Yunlan in the room with their doctor. While Shen Wei talk to his parents out side. "Shen Wei can I see Yunlan?" Ask his mother. As Shen Wei let her see him. He suddenly face his father.

     "Okey father, what joke is this? I know you still didn't like Yunlan!" He ask. His father smirk, "So you seen my mask you are truly my son! Unlucky for me you like that guy! But your mother pleaded for me to reconcile with you! So I have no choice I love your mother so I agree with her but in one condition!" He said. "And what is that?!" Shen Wei ask.  "I want a grandchild!" He ask.

      Making Shen Wei pop his eyes off. "You know I can't make him pregnant eventhough we have s_x everyday?! He said. Making his father laugh. Not that! Make a woman pregnant! I don't know how will you do it! But I want a Shen next generation! That's my condition!" His father sternly said.

     Shen Wei was about to talk back when his mother called him Yunlan have already waken up. Making Shen Wei ran toward him. As Shen Wei embrace Yunlan. "Wifey? What happened?" He ask. "You fainted Yunlan." Shen Wei said. "Really? I just remembered we got lost and I was carried by the river and I black out!" He said. But Shen Wei's father suddenly came making Yunlan hide in Shen Wei's back. "What's his doing here?! I thought his in jail!" As Yunlan got worried.

     "Yunlan dear, Shen Wei's father want to make amends on what he done to you! That's why his here to apologize." Said Shen Wei's mother.
"So! Yunlan! I'm here to say I'm sorry!" As he extend his hand to him. Making Shen Wei frown his face while the frighten Yunlan just shake his hand. "See Shen Wei! Yunlan easily forgive me! I hope you too!" He said.

     "Yunlan! Come visit us sometimes if your honeymoon is over!" As he smile to him. Yunlan tried to smile back but failing. "Yes sir will do!" But Mr. Shen suddenly embrace him making everyone shocked even Yunlan. "Called me father for now on! Welcome to the family!" As he kiss his forhead. His wife smile, while Shen Wei want to pull Yunlan to him. As Yunlan almost frozen on the spot and can't believe what's happening. "Did he have a change of heart?! " He ask himself.



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