Disruption In The Mall

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     Shen Wei suddenly embrace Yunlan, "Whose that girl? Are you cheating on me?" He whispered to him. As he suddenly bit Yunlan on the ear. Making him yelp in surprised. Not minding Ziyi and the other women present.

     Ziyi tried to suppress her laugh while Zhu Hong look intimidated on him. Yunlan cough a little, "Hong this is my fiance Shen Wei! Shen Wei this is Zhu Hong my boss where I work back then. Zhu Hong pop her big brown eyes and suddenly scream making the three  shocked. He suddenly embrace Shen Wei and congratulate him. Shen Wei on the other hand is speechless.

    While Yunlan on the other hand look at Ziyi from head to foot. "Is she your business partner?" He ask.
Ziyi suddenly extend her hand while Yunlan take it, "I'm Ziyi! Shen Wei ex fiancee!" She said. Yunlan widen his eyes and took his hand back. "What is the meaning of this?!" He furiously ask Shen Wei. Shen Wei laugh and want to explain but Ziyi embrace him from behind, "Ex fiancee! You might be the next?!" As she tease him.

     Yunlan is not use in that teasing and walk away, Shen Wei want to follow him but Ziyi still hold him. "Ziyi! Would you mind?" Said Shen Wei. "I'm only teasing him and beside were even now Shen Wei!" As she walk away laughing. "That witch! " Said Zhu Hong. "What are you standing there?! Follow your fiance! Hurry!" As he pushed Shen Wei and run after Yunlan.

     Yunlan was so mad but he as he walk quickly, he suddenly stop as he see a familiar face who was walking toward him. His father with his men. Yunlan didn't know what to do as he is frozen at that spot. Remembering what his father done when he refuse to breaking up with Shen Wei. He let his men punched him like a punching bag in his stomach. Not letting Shen Wei know it. And continue to date him at the beach that night before that break up thing.

     "Did they see him?" He wonders. When they were about to see Yunlan.  He suddenly walk back as he heard his father called his name he suddenly run pushing people aside so his father's men might not reach for him. But as he look at his back they are running after him. "Sh_t! Why are they too fast. As he reach for the elevator it suddenly close. He have no choice but to run upstairs the escalator making him stumble to different people. People shout to him, one of the people he bump is the photographer and lady that doing their makeup. As they called Shen Wei's by the phone that his boyfriend is being chase by men.

    Yunlan almost lost his breath as he rested for a while but this was not his lucky day as the men saw him again. He was about to flee when he see in the other end his father walking toward him.

     He have no choice but to jump at the other side.  Or as he saw their is a poster displayed in the middle of the mall if he can reach it he can go down quickly and run away from them.  His father suddenly felt what his gonna do, "Yunlan! Don't you dare! Just come back to us and I won't harm you! So boy come back here!" He shout.

      Yunlan suddenly look at his father and smile. "I'm sorry Dad! But I won't come back to you anymore!" He suddenly ran and jump toward the poster. Making the other spectators scream. "Come on! I have to reach it or I'll never see my Shen Wei again.  As he almost caught the poster.

     Shen Wei on the other hand called the security as he learned from the photographer and his assistant that his man is being chased by goons. As they heard screaming. He saw Yunlan falling below the mall. "Yunlan!!!" He shout as he run with the security guards toward him.

     Luckily Yunlan's other hand had caught the other display stoping him from falling fast down the mall.
As the display of a Venus planet fall first before Yunlan. Shen Wei scream as he went to Yunlan with the security  guards tailing after him. As they called an ambulance for Yunlan.  Shen Wei cradle the unconscious Yunlan as he look up to see Yunlan's father who was shocked on what happened. "You'll pay for this!" He shout to him. As Yunlan's father got scared and ran away from the scene.

    Suddenly Yunlan's cute brown eyes open. "Am I alive?" He ask. "You fool! Don't ever do that again!" Shout Shen Wei to him. As he embrace Yunlan tightly.

    When the ambulance came luckily Yunlan have only a mild wound on the head and a little bump on the legs, that he can go home but the paramedics gave him a medicine for pain killers. "Don't worry about your father! I have already told the police on what happened!" Shen Wei said. As he guiding Yunlan toward their car.

     In the house of Shen Wei, his father got a call from Yunlan's father and told him what happened. "You fool! I just want my son but not to kill yours! Just get my son back!" As he hang the phone. He didn't know his wife is listening. "What have you done to our son!" She suddenly shout.

     Da quing on the other hand was watching the late news as he almost spit out his juice as he saw the headline new. "A young man almost died while being chase by kidnappers in a mall. " As they've shown the picture of Shen Wei and Yunlan, courtesy of the "Smile Shop!" Da quing suddenly called Lin Jing. As he know where is Yunlan is.

     At Shen Wei's home, while Shen Wei is cooking Yunlan on the other hand is relaxing and watching t.v. As he saw the news, "Hey! Shen Wei were on television!" He shout. Shen Wei was tasting his cooking as he heard Yunlan said. He suddenly dropped the spoon and hurriedly went beside Yunlan as he saw their picture on the news. "No!!! This is not happening!" He shout. "Yunlan we need to pack! Right now!" He said. "What?! But we still didn't eat dinner yet?" As Shen Wei went to their room to pack. Suddenly someone ring on the doorbell. As Yunlan about to reach for the door. Shen Wei suddenly stop him. And close the lights while shutting Yunlan's mouth with his hand.



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