Chapter 7: for the motherland

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(Not Russia)
3rd person pov

Y/n felt the Sun's rays on his eyes and woke up. He streched out and let out a yawn.

Y/n: what a bright day.

The masked thief took off his hoodie and wrapped it around his waist before putting on his black scarf.

Y/n: i wonder what the town folk are up to.

Y/n walked around to see the lively village. Children were playing, people were hard at work, and he was just looking around. Suddenly he got a call.

Umbra: Y/n?
Y/n: yes?
Umbra: a high ranking Grineer is in the jungle. We need you to assassinate him.
Y/n: i'm on my way.
Umbra: i'm sending the coordinates.

Y/n deployed his archwing before boosting into earth's jungle.

Y/n: this place isn't pretty...

The masked thief snuck in and saw a lot of Grineer soldiers.

Y/n: (in head) now that Mesa's gone, i can kill them my way.

He slowly crept up behind one before grabbing his mouth and stabbing him in the back. He went for another and another until only one was left. He poked his back.

Soldier: what the-?!

The masked thief shot the soldier in the face before he could speak another word.

Y/n: don't underestimate the teenager.

Y/n heard laughter in front of him.

???: so... You're that fool who's been breathing my air?!

The flying Grineer heard nothing but the sound of chains.

Vay Hek: no matter. I, Vay Hek will destroy you!

Keeper of lust - Persona 5 plays

The Grineer councillor fired electricity from his hands. Y/n swiftly dodged the lighting.

Y/n: (in head) sorry Palpatine, but you don't have unlimited power.

The masked thief rushed towards Vay Hek and slashed his electric hands. Sadly, he only managed to scratch them.

Y/n: (in head) crap... That armor is too durable...
Vay Hek: it is futile!

Y/n let out an annoyed groan before lunging at Vay Hek and kicking him in the face.

Vay Hek: d-damn brat...!
Y/n: (in head) that's it! The face!

Vay Hek covered his face with a metal mask. Y/n slashed the mask repeatedly with his dagger.

Vay Hek: now there is no way to penetrate my defense!

Vay Hek saw that the mask thief had a sparkle in his eye. Y/n then slashed the Grineer councillor's mask, causing it to split in to before falling off.

Vay Hek: Y-you...!

Y/n then jumped onto Vay Hek's back and started to stab his back until his dagger was stuck. Vay Hek lost control before crashing down. Y/n then repeatedly slashed at the councillor's face.

Vay Hek: curse Got me...
Y/n: ...

The councillor then combined with a bipedal machine.

Vay Hek: i changed myself, made sacrifices! How about you!? You think you're committing a justice?! Not in my court!

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Vay Hek: i changed myself, made sacrifices! How about you!? You think you're committing a justice?! Not in my court!

The masked thief responded with nothing but the sound of rattling chains. He pointed his dagger towards Vay Hek

Y/n: (in head) this is where the real fun begins...

Hot wind blowing - metal gear rising revengeance plays

Vay Hek tried to crush Y/n buy jumping on him. Y/n dodged the land. He put his hands together to gather dark energy.

Y/n: Eigaon!

Y/n fired a beam of dark energy. After it hit Vay Hek, the explosion caused shadow spikes to bounce all over the place, stabbing Vay Hek in several areas.

Vay Hek: this is nothing!

The councillor pointed his quad cannons at Y/n. He took cover behind a rock. The bullets from the cannon was tearing the stone to shreds.

Y/n: (in head) damn...!

The masked thief pulled out his gun and fired a few shots at Vay Hek. He landed a few good hits on the councillor's face.

Vay Hek: you'll suffer!

Vay Hek fired a large missle from his arm towards Y/n. The councillor was looking for the remains of the young Phantom Thief.

Vay Hek: have i blown you smithereens?
Y/n: (in head) i don't think so.

Y/n jumped onto the back of Vay Hek and started to slash away at the neck of the cyborg.

Vay Hek: you insect!

Vay Hek pointed his quad cannons to the young thief. Y/n dodged the bullets and caused them to blow off one of the councillor's arms.

Vay Hek: n-no...!

Y/n cut off the other arm with his dagger before coming face to face with Vay Hek.

Vay Hek: not yet!

Vay Hek shot electricity from his smaller hands. Y/n caught the lighting with his dagger.

Y/n: (in head) this reminds of that scene from revenge of the Sith. Too bad Anakin won't save him.

Y/n fired a dark orb from his free hand and blew up Vay Hek's smaller hands. He then kicked him in the face, causing him to recoil back. Y/n grabed the councillor's neck and with one final slash, Vay Hek was defeated.

Music stops

Vay Hek: how... Could i lose... To simple child...
Y/n: i'm no child... I'm a teenager.

Y/n walked away from the destroyed cyborg councillor. He picked up his phone.

Y/n: target has been defeated.
Umbra: excellent. I've already sent someone to pick you up.

Y/n heard a notification on his phone and saw a text.

The death of Vay Hek... Your actions have consequences...

Y/n: (in head) who is this...?

Y/n left his calling card before deploying his archwing and flying towards the village. Upon arrival, the villagers praised him. This was a strange feeling for the young Phantom Thief.

Mesa: ya did good, kid.
Y/n: yeah.
Mesa: c'mon. Let's go home.

Y/n got inside the orbiter with the warframe. Tomorrow would be another busy day...

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