Chapter 6: Things go bump at night

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Y/n's pov

I woke up in the dojo and got up. After I put on my scarf and wrap my hoodie around my waist, I head outside. I was approached by Rhino.

Rhino: good job out there.
Y/n: yeah... Thanks.
Rhino: i'm heading out to earth to hang out for a while. Wanna come?
Y/n: oh. Sure.

Suddenly Loki showed up.

Loki: well if you're going, i'm going.
Rhino: no one invited you.
Loki: oh come on, Rhino. I just wanna hang out with you two.

Rhino let out an annoyed sigh.

Rhino: if you annoy-
Loki: i won't! New guy, i'm not annoying, right?

Loki got a little close to the beak of my mask.

Y/n: too close...
Loki: see? Not annoying.

Rhino put a hand on his... Faceplate.

Rhino: what a bother...

Rhino took me and Loki to his Orbiter. I looked out the window to see earth.

Y/n: there she is... Mother earth.
Loki: yep. That's her alright.
Rhino: hold on, we're landing.

We landed near a small village. I followed Rhino and Loki.

Loki: these folks love the Tenno. We've helped them a lot of times when there was crisis.
Rhino: one large sentient attacked. It was defeated by us but his fragments are still kicking.
Y/n: that's interesting.
Loki: the locals here are also lovable. You can take on bounties if you really want their trust.
Y/n: i'll consider it.

We came across a large door. The door opened up and we were in a hangar like place.

Y/n: now what?
Rhino: wait for it.

Another door opened revealing the land.

Loki: kid, welcome to the plains of Eidolon.

I took the time to admire all the nature surrounding me.

Y/n: it's beautiful....

I saw Rhino and Loki walking. I follow along until we reached a river.

Y/n: what will we do?
Loki: we're gonna catch some fish.

Rhino passed me a spear.

Y/n: a spear...?
Rhino: watch carefully.

Rhino threw his spear that was tied to a rope. I saw a bit of blood and Rhino immediately pulled and caught a large fish.

Rhino: this is how the Tenno do it.
Y/n: i'll... I'll try.

I threw my spear and as soon as i saw blood, i quickly pulled only to see i caught a small fish.

Loki: pfft. He caught a small one.

Rhino suddenly pushed Loki into the water.

Rhino: didn't i tell you not to be annoying?

Loki poked out of the surface of that water and pointed his arm to Rhino

Loki: switch teleport!

Then Loki switched places. Now Rhino was the one in the water.

Loki: who's laughing now?

I kicked Loki into the water.

Y/n: nothing personal, kids.

We all laughed together. I helped my two warframe partners out of the water. We spent time exploring the plains for a while until it was night. I unwrapped my hoodie from my waist and removed my scarf before puting on my hoodie.

Thief's Tale in: WarframeWhere stories live. Discover now