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Beating the Odds

2.5 Years Later

New York

Desiree Sanders

"Come on in, come on in." my father's girlfriend/soon to be fiancé, Kirstyn opened the door of their new home wide enough for me to get my luggage inside. "You look amazing." She told me, once I was inside. I set my bags to the side and turned around, giving her a hug. "How was your flight?" she asked.

"Not too bad this time." I began removing my backpack, finally relieving me of the pressure. "It feels good to be back home."

"I bet, North Carolina is definitely not like this. I'm surprised you survived a whole year and a half down there."

"Me too!" I exclaimed, "Fingers crossed that tonight's the lucky night."

"Fingers crossed." She nodded. "Having you here in New York would mean the world to your dad."

"Speaking of!" I said, looking around, "where is he?"

"Oh, he had to go grad a suit for tonight. The one he had is getting a little too tight around the midsection." She giggled, while nudging me. "Giovanni and Hazel are here though; they're just upstairs getting settled."

"That means my baby boy is here as well." I grinned.

"Yes, he is. Thankfully your father and I were able to childproof the place before they got here. With him walking now there's no telling what he can get into."

"So true!"

I grabbed my things and continued to catch up with her as we both made our way up the stairs to where my usual room was located. I dropped my things off at the door and before I knew it, I heard the little pitter, patter of feet. "Is that my baby?!" I exclaimed, crouching down and opening my arms wide for him to run into. I lifted him up and spun him around before placing an overflow of kisses on his cheek. "Aunty missed you so much!" I said, running my fingers through his tight, little curls. I look a moment, to just look at how much he has grown; his skin was deep melanin; his eyes big and brown. Carmelo was the perfect mix of both is mother and his father, it was almost crazy to see the two wrapped up in one little body.

He just grinner from ear to ear, showing me the toy that he had in his hand. "Look." He kept saying.

"I see, is that spider man?" I asked him and he nodded, before holding it up in the air and showing me that it could fly. "Oooo, you want to fly too?!" I asked, before lifting him up higher and holding him, making jet noises as if he was flying as well.

"Such a loser, as always." Was what stopped me. I looked over my shoulder to see my brother leaning against the wall of the hallway.

"You're just mad that all that basketball is ruining your back and you can't do this anymore." I teased, while placing Carmelo to stand so I could give his big-headed father a hug. I made sure it was a tight one, being as I hadn't seen him since Christmas. It was now June, which was long enough for me to actually miss him.

"How's Duke been treating you?" he asked.

"I'm just happy to be done." I shrugged, "loved the experience but school is just not for me."

"It isn't good for anyone, I swear. You spend all that money to sit at home and only get selected for a job if you have connections."

"Pretty much." I shook my head at the thought. "I'm just waiting for tonight to be over, so we can find out which city we'll be moving to. That way I can start my journey in finding a job."

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