13: P.O. Box

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Giovanni Sanders

"Great game, son. I'm proud of you." my coach said as I made my way past his office, heading for the exit of the locker room.

"Wouldn't have been able to do it without your guidance, sir."

"Oh, don't be humble now. With all the trash talking you were doing on the court. I know that you know, you're one of the greatest to ever have played at Stonebrook."

I shrugged, "I just love the sport."

"And the sport sure does love you, the scouts were surprised and did take an interest to you right off the bat. 23 points, 12 rebounds. That's amazing for a season starter, keep up the good work and without a doubt you'll be the talk of the town for the next NBA draft pick."

"Thank you, sir," I flashed him a smile.

"No. Thank you, for once I have faith that we will make it to the finals. I can see your presence impacting the other guys and that right there makes me happy and for that, anything you need, just let know and I got you."

"I appreciate that coach."

"Matter of fact..." he raised from his seat and walked over to the rack in the corner of his office that held, one basketball. It wasn't brand new or anything special, but the fact that it was the only one, showed that it was special to him. "This was the game winning ball from the last time Stonebrook went to finals. I want you to have it." he picked it up from where it sat and tossed it over to me.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, you deserve it and I know by the end of the year I'll have a much better one to place right back there." He pointed in my direction. "Don't let me down."

"I promise that I won't."

"I like that, now get out of here and go home to get some rest. You earned it."

"Once again, I appreciate it." I opened up my gym bag and placed the ball on top of the clothes and shoes I had in it. "Have a goodnight, coach." I waved in his direction then continued on the path I had been talking towards the exit.

I pushed open the big double doors that led to the gymnasium and to my surprise, the place that was just packed to the brim was already completely empty. Thankfully my grandma ran into one of her friends from Bingo and got a ride home, so there was no need for me to rush. I was grateful for the support, but a little bummed that the seat next to her remained empty the whole night. I knew I was too in over my head.

I glanced up at the vintage banners that hung against the ceilings and the faces of the greats that paved the way for me to get here today. My father being one of them before he unfortunately dropped out. "That's going to be you one day." I looked towards the general entrance to see Gabrielle standing there, dressed in her light blue scrubs, she had a gym bag hanging from her shoulder and I could see the tiredness in her eyes.

"You're a little late." I shook my head.

"I know, I got caught up at the hospital. It's been hectic all day."

"A simple text would've sufficed."

She stepped inside, holding up a paper bag that read Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken. "But I brought you a peace offering." She shook the bag then made her way towards me. "As soon as I wrapped up with my last patient, I came straight here because are your friend... I want to show you that I am a woman of my word."

"I find it highly offensive that you think Fried Chicken would cheer me up."

"And I find it highly offensive that you haven't given me a hug yet." She opened her arms wide and stood there, awaiting me.

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