24: Late Night Convos

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Jeremiah Mohammed

I had no choice but to out my phone on silent as Shaniya called for the tenth time tonight. I really and truly didn't know what I was doing with her to begin with, the more time I spent with her was the more I knew I was doing nothing but being petty. In fact, I felt like I was losing brain cells every time I conversed with the girl. Shaniya was one of those girls that were good for one thing and I was growing tired of that one thing, surprisingly.

Once the call disappeared from my screen, I opened up my Instagram app and did my usual scrolling. Not that Instagram had anything that interested me, but I figured that it was better than having to go out into the living room and actually socialize with my father. For some reason he wasn't getting that many shifts, meaning that I had no choice but to play babysitter. I mean, I tried my best not complain because at the end of the day, he was my dad but on the other hand, I wondered when he'd just grow up and put the bottle down.

I stretched, before getting out of bed and keeping my eyes glued to my phone as I walked over to my stash shoe box. I opened it up and realized that I was out, I didn't even realize... something must've really had me stressed. What am I kidding, it was this damn Desiree situation. My mind was all over the place, I was trying to supress everything I was feeling but every time I saw her, it got worse and it was only making me angry at this point in time.

I was good at fronting but with her it seemed impossible, especially with this new look she got on. Seeing Des out of her shell was something I had only imagined, now that it was the icing on the cake. Desiree seemed confident, happy, bold and I loved every inch of it. However, it was clear after the hallway incident, that she had made her pick and because of my stupid ass actions, I had to sit in nothing but regret.

I pulled my phone back up and went to type her name in the search bar, before I could however, I noticed Trey had posted a story. Normally I'd pass but today, I clicked it and immediately, I wished that I didn't. He had up a boomerang of him kissing on her cheek earlier, followed by a video of his mom and her dancing around in the kitchen, after wards, a picture of them holding hands in the car a few minutes ago. Social media, was Georgian's sign of officiating.

As much as I couldn't stand Trey's bitch ass, the way he looked at her... let me know that, it would be a challenge to even try to win her back. He had the words, the status, the money, he was what she wanted and I couldn't compare. It was best for me to just let go and be happy for her, because it is what it is. Des was very verbal when she told me to steer clear and I wasn't about to put myself in a position to get hurt.

Trey won, fair and square.

To think that I admitted to actually loving this girl and she did nothing but smile? I should've just kept my mouth shut...

I threw the empty box onto my bed and opened up my drawer to grab a shirt. My hair was still pretty damp so I let it out, figured it would be better to air dry.

I slipped my feet into some Nike slides and grabbed a couple crumpled up ten-dollar bills, sliding them into my back pocket. I opened up my room door to see my dad passed out on the couch, beer bottles at his feet.

I sighed, before grabbing a throw blanket from our linen closet and walking over to cover him up with it. My father stirred in his sleep for a little bit, then gave me a small smile followed by another loud snore. I smirked, then backed away and grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter, heading out.

As soon as I got out of our apartment, the music from my neighbors nearly knocked me off my feet, the neighbors on my left had a dog that never stopped barking as well and if it wasn't the dog it was them, going at each others head. I shook my head in passing and walked down to the other end of the hall, where I knocked on the door; 714. I took a step back and pushed my hands into my pocket, until I heard the locks turn and PJ pop his head out the door.

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