16: What Do I Want?

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Giovanni Sanders

"Catch you later." I dapped up one of my teammates before grabbing my gym bag and making my way out of the locker room.

Today's practice wasn't too bad and my class lectures were pretty entertaining so all in all, I couldn't complain. Right about now, I was just ready to go home and grub.

I adjusted my bag over my shoulder and pushed open the side exit leading to the back-parking lot where my car was. The breeze was nice after putting in so much work in the gym, in fact; I deserved a McFlurry after all that.

I took out my phone and checked my messaged, I had hit up Gabrielle asking her if she wanted to catch a movie but ever since the night in my dorm, she had been avoiding me. Screening my calls, ignoring my text messages. I didn't know why but the only thing I could think of was her finding out that I saw the letter. I thought maybe I left a stain or didn't put it in the right way because I just couldn't wrap my head around why, she was keeping her distance. I had been nothing but polite to her.

I swear it's those kinds of women that ruin good men like myself.

What I hated even more than regardless of how upset I was, by being ghosted, I still wanted to find a way to communicate with her. I had even thought about popping up at the hospital, but Jeremiah had talked me out of it. Jeremiah wasn't even a fan of her to begin with.

You knew it was serious when I went to my grandmother about it also, her advice was that I deserved better and that better would be on the way soon. I didn't know if it was the idea of me being with an older woman, that they didn't like, but it seemed as if no one was really encouraging this and I couldn't understand why. Jeremiah and my grandma used to jump to the idea of my ex and I... now, they weren't with the idea of a woman far more established and more secure mentally? I mean, Gabrielle had it all. We didn't have much in common yet, but with time, I figured it could... work. It had to work... I needed to prove everyone wrong. I wanted them to see what I saw.

I weaved through the park cars and due to me being late today I was stuck with the sucky spot by the back fences. While spotting my car in the distance, I noticed someone, leaning up against the hood. At first it was hard to make out who it was with the setting sun in my eyes, but once I was able to adjust, I realized it was; Hazel. I hadn't seen her ever since the break up, apart from on the gram of course. I didn't want to argue nor could I stand to see her hurting the way she was when things ended, which is why I tried my best to keep my distance.

Today however, something inside of me was happy to see her. I don't know if it was because I was feeling some type of way because of Gabrielle or because as usual, she just looked good.

"Surprised to see you here!" I let out the closer I got to where she stood.

"You should know me, Queen of surprises."

"That is very true."

Hazel wrapped her arms around my torso the moment I got before her. I did my usual and pulled her close, leaning into her hair and taking a whiff of her coconut scented curls. "How you been?" I asked, taking my time before I stepped away.

"Not too bad, how about you? Mr. Big time baller."

I smiled, looking away. "Just same old Gio."

"I saw your highlights. No need to be humble."

"You know how I do." I shrugged, placing my gym bag on top of the hood of my car.

"Just the beginning. I'm proud of you."

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