38: Slim to One

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Gabrielle Rogers

"Thank you, Ms. Rogers for your statement." The judge said, "you may now leave the witness stand."

I slowly stood to my feet, causing the blood to flow after they had fallen asleep from such a lengthy testimony. The bailiff outstretched his hand, helping me walk down the steps. Once I was on the ground, I thanked him quietly before walking down to where my lawyers sat.

I could feel the glares coming from the other side of me, but I tried my best to keep my anxiety and nerves at bay. "You got this." my lawyer said, patting my thigh.

"With that being said, in addition to the evidence found on the scene; the DNA from her person alongside video evidence. That on top of you breaking your probation from your prior charge. I am going to go ahead and sentence you with attempted murder in the first degree which will amount up to 20 years, with no possibility of bail or parole." He stuck his gavel against the wooden desk before standing to his feet and closing up the file.

I refused to look in his corner, but I could hear him cussing me out nonetheless, calling me all kinds of words, saying it's my fault that our son died along with how he was going to get me for this. It didn't stop until I heard a door slam and the noise soon became distant.

I sighed, once everything became quiet and I placed my hand against my chest, trying to bring my breathing back to normal. I looked over at my lawyer and she gave me a smile. "Thank you..." I told her.

"That was all you!" she said, I looked behind me to see officer Kelly, the one that made all of this happen, she too gave me a smile then waved me over.

"I'm going to call you." I told my lawyer as I gave her a hug.

"Sounds good, maybe we could go out and celebrate."

"Maybe." I nodded, before grabbing my purse and stepping around the desk to meet Kelly. "You did it!" she cheered while rubbing my arm. "I'm so proud of you."

"It was definitely harder than I thought." I said, "but I continued to remind myself of those words you told me."

"I'm glad they helped. You did a great thing today, Gabrielle."

"It actually feels good." I smirked, pushing my hair behind my ear. "Wow."

"What I'm about to tell you, is going to make you feel even better. We're going to bring you outside through the witness protection tunnel and get you into one of our heavily secured vans. Your mom is waiting for you there with all your luggage. My partner Patrick is going to see you through your flight and you getting to your destination safely, there, everything will be taken care of."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." she winked. "I told you, I got your back." She placed her hand on the small of my back and gestured for me to go ahead. We walked side by side as she walked me through a side door of the court room, which soon led to the tunnel she was talking about.

As we got to the outside, I was taken into a room where I changed out of my clothes and into something that I wouldn't usually wear. I wrapped my head the way my mother wished I would, for cultural purposes and got rid of all my belongings. Kelly made sure I was all set before she finally leaned in and gave me a hug. "You go ahead and be free." She said, before pulling away. "We all deserve it, you, your mom and your future little ones to come."

I smiled with her once more, lately Kelly had been mentioning kids to me a lot. I came to find out she had two and was happily married. I got that that was the perfect life for someone like her, but for me... it wasn't possible.

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