9: Stupid Mistake

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Desiree Sanders

"Are you sure that you're okay?" I shut my locker and gave Shaniya a nod. "I'm good." I answered with a forced smile, "I promise."

"Okay, good because you know I'll gladly throw hands for you any day."

"Oh, trust me, I know." I smirked, pushing my hair behind my ear. "You meeting up with your boy toy?" I asked, looking down at the time on my phone. "Or spending lunch with us?"

"As much as I'd love to... he's already outside. I just wanted to make sure you were straight before I go."

"Oh, psh." I waved her off. "I'm always good and will always be. Go ahead, I'll just go meet up with Amber."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." I nodded, "I've learnt not to dwell on the negative, life's too short." With a wink, I pulled her into a little side hug before waving goodbye and going my separate way.

The hallway was packed as usual, students rushing to get their stuff in their lockers so they could head on to the cafeteria to get a table.

I continued through the crowd until I saw the one person, I had been dodging all morning.

"Desiree," Jeremiah called out.

I rolled my eyes and instead of heading for Amber who I knew would have a handful of questions awaiting me, I detoured and went straight to the washrooms. I passed a couple of freshmen that hung around the mirror retouching their makeup and smiled to myself. I remembered the days when I used to care about how I looked around here, as the years went by, I just stopped.

I pushed open one of the stalls and shut it behind me. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun for the time being and tried my best to just breathe. I could feel my stomach beginning to turn and it wasn't the sick kind, but the turning you felt when you were nervous. I didn't understand why I was though, after all, Jeremiah did already embarrass me; what more could he really say to make me feel worse than I already did?

I genuinely couldn't believe he could be so cold but on the other hand, I could. Jeremiah had nice moments, but he wasn't a nice person. Never was, nor did I think he was capable of ever being. Jeremiah was miserable, he didn't care about no one but himself and he always had a bad attitude to him, if it wasn't for Gio, I swear no one would've even bothered with him because of his attitude alone. I had pushed past it for the longest but today was my final straw, I was over him and his foul ass mouth. There was no more excusing him, he had finally crossed the line.

I took another long breath, trying to gather up my words, he had me stumped before but I'd be damned if I allowed him to get at me again. All morning I was replaying the whole incident; thinking of what would've been good to say in that moment. Now that I knew, I was ready.

I opened up the stall door and walked over through the group of fresh man, to wash my hands the way I usually did before lunch. I soaped up my hands and ran my hands under the lukewarm tap, once I was done, I dried it off against my jeans before glancing into the mirror to fix my hair back the way it was.

The bathroom door swung open and all the girls that stood by the mirrors, scurried off; clearing the way for Brooklyn. I stayed by the sink I was atl however, watching her walk as if it were in slow motion; her good bundles swinging from side to side, her tight jeans that fit her like a glove, her crop top that exposed her baby abs that I'm sure she was blessed with and didn't even have to work for. Brooklyn also wore a pair of big YSL shades, that were large enough to hide a good portion of her face. It wasn't that sunny out today, in fact there was a thunderstorm in the forecast.

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