1: The Signs

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7:45 A.M.

I turned off my alarm for the third time and rolled back over onto my stomach, although the sun was beginning to make its appearance through my thin white curtains, I tried my best to ignore it as best as I could. Mind over matter, mind over matter. It's just a dream and school is a nightmare.

I continued to coach myself until I heard that routine knock on my door, followed by the sound of my squeaky doorknob being turned. I sighed to myself before I heard the following words. "Now you know good and well that you heard that alarm!" my brother clapped from the doorway all the way over to my ears. I tried my best to push him away but he was far too strong for me and I knew me trying wasn't even worth it.

I groaned and threw the pillow over my head, trying to tune him out, but he only got louder and on top of that, he started to chant for me to wake up. "I'm up Gio!" I muttered into my mattress, unfortunately, he continued. "I said, I'm up, Giovanni!" I yelled, turning over and slapping him again, which did nothing but cause him to begin laughing. "I swear, you're so annoying!"

"And so are you, but I still deal with it." he shrugged, "you gotta get all that ugly sorted out in the next fifteen minutes because you know I gotta be at Stonebrook for registration, it's my first day and I gotta make a lasting impression."

I rolled my eyes, "since when do you care about being on time?"

"Since I realized that I got into this college on a free ride scholarship. I may be good on the court, but they don't play around when it comes to punctuality and grades... and in case you haven't noticed." He gestured at the room around me. "I don't got money to afford it on my own, so like I said. Get ready so I could drop you to school."

"There's no way I could be ready in fifteen minutes, it's my first day as well and in case you haven't noticed..." I ran my fingers through my hair, "I got a lot of work to do."

"Oh, trust me, I noticed." He smirked, "but that's what you get for ignoring all those alarms."

I rolled my eyes once again. "I'll just take the bus." I let out, laying back into the bed. I attempted to get comfortable but Gio grabbed the covers from me, causing the extreme amount of cold air from our buildings broken AC system to hit me; sending goosebumps all over my body. "Gio!" I whined.

"Desiree!" he mimicked, "dad gave me strict orders before he left this morning, everyone knows you'll end up going back to sleep if I leave you here.... so, chop, chop. You now got nine minutes."

"I'll call dad myself, just go."

"You and I both know he can't bring his phone into the factory."

"I'll call his workplace."

"To tell him you're taking the bus?" he brow lowered, "I'd like to see his reaction to you wasting his time for something like that."

"Well, how about you just go and not tell him?" I smiled then batted my eyelashes, that I had just got done yesterday.

"Okay, take it easy now... before you fly away," he held his hand up. "Good suggestion, but like I said... when they call here and say you missed your first period. I'll be the one getting all the blame, so instead of wasting the last 6 and a half minutes you got. I'd encourage you to get your lazy ass up and throw on something quick because I'm leaving." Without another word, Gio left my room, shutting it behind him.

I threw my head back and let out a groan, before finally getting up on my feet. I slid my feet into my slippers and grabbed the robe that I always had on the hook next to my bed. I wrapped it around my body, and grabbed my towel as well before making my way to the bathroom down the hall.

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