7: Tough Guy Act

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Trey Wiggins


Monday, is fine with me.


Sounds like a plan



I leaned against the headboard of my bed, reading over the message she had just sent after hours of me waiting for a reply. Hours, to get one single word. Damn, this was a first.

I didn't know why, but for the first time I didn't know how to converse with a female, she had me tongue tied, had my thoughts all in a jumble. It's not like I hadn't speaking to girls before or like I couldn't get the ones I wanted, it was just that... Desiree was different in a nerdy kind of way but I liked it.

It all goes back to summer school, when I had originally met her. I had seen her in passing many times prior, but sitting down and being able to actual bask in her presence didn't take place until the summer I was forced to either make up credits or get kicked off of the team. Desiree, on the other hand was there for extra credits, which I was surprised about, shordy was smart.

Although we didn't talk much over the time, I still got the chance to observe from a distance. I had spent a majority of my time in high school around the same faces and scenes and I never really realized how tired I was of it all, until I spent time around her. To see someone in my age group interested in their future as opposed to the next party or sneaking into the next club, was inspiring.

For as long as I could remember, if it wasn't about basketball and broads; I wouldn't talk, knowing good and well that the homies didn't want to hear it. I couldn't speak to anyone in my circle about my struggles in school because a majority of them were struggling themselves, a few of them not even giving a care. So, I had to admit... I started adopting that same mentality as well.

You are the company you keep, right?

Like I was saying though, I met Desiree in summer school and that mentality surprisingly... changed. The fact that just being around her was so inspiring made me wonder what time spent with her would do, which was a just a thought until today. Those few hours in my car was something I never knew I needed, until now. Our little conversation was enough for me to know that we both could help each other out, I needed her drive and she needed me to take her out of her shell.

"Why do you always got me on paused?" Brooklyn's voice broke through my thoughts, causing me to roll my eyes.

Clicking away from my messages, I returned to see her face on the screen. "My bad."

"Who were you texting?" she asking, getting close to the camera.

"Don't even start with that," I sucked my teeth. "What you doing?"

"Tryna figure out, who got my boyfriend putting me on paused."

"Here we go again." I said, throwing my head back.

"We wouldn't have to go there again if you would just answer me."

"Brooklyn, I told you I got a message from coach... he changed around our practice times for tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say."

"What's the point of asking me, if you always think I'm lying?" I smirked, before leaning over and grabbing a perfectly rolled blunt from my night stand, popping it between my lips.

"Maybe if you were honest with me, I wouldn't have to think you're lying."

"I am always honest with you."

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