31: I'm Sorry, Giovanni

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Gabrielle Rogers

"Mommy! Mommy! Watch me." I glanced over to see my son, dribble the ball between his legs before, throwing it up on his mini net that sat by the front door of our house.

I clapped and cheered for him, causing a grin to appear on his little face. "You better get it boy!" he giggled, while running over to where the ball rolled. I returned my attention to the books before me, I had a major surgery coming up soon and I just couldn't seem to remember the steps. Courtesy of pregnancy brain. I rubbed my stomach and let out a soft sigh, to think that I was going through this again was crazy to me. My first was hard enough and here I was again, I swear; if this wasn't a girl, I was going to be content with the idea of being the Queen amongst three boys. I hated pregnancy and would be damned to ever go through it again; this time, I meant it. I, Gabrielle Rogers, will not have anymore children and that's on everything. I am done.

"Daddy's home!"

I turned around with a smile to see the front door open, my husband standing in the frame. Unlike normal, this time, he wore a mug meaner than anything I had ever witnessed. I removed the glasses I was wearing, and stood up slowly. "You... okay baby?"

"Do I look okay?!" he yelled, before slamming the door shut.

"Had a bad day at work?"

"Khadija, don't play with me..."

"W..what are you talking about?" my brow raised and I looked over at my son, who stood there just as confused as I was. "Baby, go in your room."

"Nah, let him stay right where he is." my husband tossed his briefcase across the room and loosened his tie. He then, grabbed a hold of my baby boys' wrist, dragging him over to me.

"What in God's name!" I shrieked, walking around the corner, "let him go!" I tried to pry at his fingers and in return was slapped right across my face, the blow so hard that it nearly took me out. I placed my hand against my cheek and looked at him with pure and utter shock. "Abdullah! Have you lost your mind?!" I shouted.

"Have you?!" he matched my pitch and stared me down.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about..." I looked down to see my baby, practically on the verge of tears. "Mommy..." he whispered, he tried to pull my husband's fingers as well but the grip was far too tight. "Let him go..." I whispered, looking up at Abdullah. "Whatever it is, talk to me..."

"Think I care about this bastard child?!" he exclaimed, pushing our son to the side as if he was a rag doll. His head knocking against the brick accent wall that we had in our living room.

"ABDULLAH!" I tried to rush over to his side but before I could, my husband grabbed hold of my neck, squeezing the life out of me. I slapped his chest as hard as I could, trying to fight him off, but it was all just too much. My eyes watered as I stared into the eyes of the man that I loved with my entire heart. The look in his eyes was different, but one that I could read better than no other. He found out...

"Think I'm an idiot?! Think I wouldn't find out?!" he let go of me and pushed me into the couch. I fell to my knees and gasped as I tried to catch my breath, out of the corner of my eye I could see my son just laying there... "I always had my questions, but now I was able to finally piece it all together." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a letter and threw it in my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I barely let out.

"It's a DNA test Gabrielle, a DNA test that answered all my questions."

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