27: A Front

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Please ignore any spelling errors. Quick lil chapter for ya.

Giovanni Sanders

"You are honestly, crazy." Gabby let out between giggled as I licked up the ice cream that fell on her exposed thigh.

"Can't let that go to waste." I shrugged before buried my head into the crook of her neck and licking that as well. "I must say, you taste so much better."

"Oh, do I now?"

"Mhmm." I kissed her neck, then gave it a bite before looking into her eyes. "In so many other places too."

"Mmm, is that right?" she leaned in and kissed my lips softly, before taking my bottom between her teeth. I smirked and pecked her lips before sitting upright. "Be careful, you might start something." I said, to her before returning my attention to the TV before us. The screen was filled with ending credits and to be honest, it was our second movie that I can truly say, I didn't pay attention to.

Gabrielle's condo was huge, bigger than I expected. I had to try not to act starstruck at the sight of it but to be honest; it was hard. The ceilings were high and the area, open concept; making it so spacious. I could hold one of my basketball practices in her room; alone. The other end of the condo belonged to her roommate who thankfully, wasn't here. I loved the vibe of the place in general because it truly gave me more of an insight on the things she enjoyed.

Gabby had Tupac, Biggie, NWA, SWV, Aaliyah and Left-eye framed and hanging from wall on the other, she had a picture wall filled with her family, mostly the son she lost. Apart from that, it was mostly bright, her accent pieces a light grey with a tough of gold and blush pink. I didn't even take her to be the girl type until I got into her bedroom. She had two fluffy pink pillows that had me weak, beneath that tough exterior, Gabby was still a young woman that liked to live a normal life outside of the E.R. and the more I got to know her, was the more I realized that she hadn't gotten the chance to live that life in long time.

Unfortunately, it seemed as if she was still very afraid of me seeing her body. In her room she had window curtains so thick, you'd think it was night time regardless of what time it actually was. Of course, she made sure to use them and keep the lights off during our moments together. I hated it but I figured I would move at her pace.

"Time check!" she exclaimed, as put the ice cream container onto her side table and lifted her wrist to take a look at her apple watch. "Seems like my heart rate was through the roof."

"I wonder why."

Gabby bit her bottom lip, "anyways... I have an hour and a half to shower and get myself back to the hospital." She pouted then turned to me. "I swear, if I get out of this bed and start limping; you're paying my medical bill."

"Hey." I shrugged, "What can I say? You had a need and I gave you your fix."

"I had a need? Or you?"

"Gabby..." I leaned over and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to me. I kissed up from her jaw to her earlobe, "we all know that the need was mutual." I could feel the goosebumps form against her skin and I was loving every minute of it. Regardless of age, I still had to ability to make her feel like any young, frail girl that I had ever been with. I turned her to look at me, then kissed her lips a few more times. The more I kissed her was the deeper it got, every time our lips met, it was filled with so much passion and zeal.

"Okaaaaaay, no." she shook her head and pulled away. "I can feel you getting excited again and I can't miss another shift. So, I am going to get out of this bed. You need to get dressed."

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