Chapter 6

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It's March and Blayze and I are driving to our parenting class. Blayze and I are currently arguing about how to discipline our children.

"Suzette we are not spanking the kids."

"Blayze, you want to know why kids are shooting up schools and killing themselves; they don't get their asses beat."

"That's not a solid reason. The kids will fear us."

"That's the freakin point! We're not supposed to be their best friend. They are depending on us to raise them right so that they can conquer all the challenges in the world. How can they do that if you treat them like delicate flowers? The world isn't going to treat them like that. It's going to eat them then spit them out."

"I get your point but you are not hitting them. There is no need. You can just talk to them."

"Blayze, we'll talk to them but we must show them discipline and consequences. I know some kids don't always respond to spankings but some do. I'm not going to treat them like my parents treated me."

"Which was..."

"Which was by beating me till I couldn't breathe right. I had big purple, blue, green bruises all over my body. I would lie to people who asked me how I got those bruises. I was too embarrassed to tell them that my parents did them with the belt. My mom used to hit me with anything in her reach. She hit me with a spoon, her hand her flip flop, the vacuum cord, etc. I will not be doing that to them. The only time I'll beat them till they can't breath is when they go get themselves in trouble with the authorities."

"You're parents did that to you?!"

"Blayze, growing up Hispanic and having a Caribbean parent meant that you were going to get your ass whipped."

"I don't want my kids fearing me," Blayze mumbles mostly to himself. I understand why he doesn't want to spank his kids. He's never had an actual spanking before in his life and he's been feared before, by me. "Let's just hope our kids are well behaved so that we don't have to fight over what type of discipline."

"Suzette, we can't throw every serious argument under the rug."

"Why not? I just did."

"Suzette, we need to tackle challenges head-on."

"Yeah, you do that. I'll watch from the sidelines."

"To raise a child correctly both parents must be present and must work together."

"Yes, I know."

We arrive at the parenting class and we see couples ready and sitting at the desks. I take a seat and Blayze sits next to me. Easton stands against the wall nearby.

"Today we will be learning how to take care of a newborn. Also, we will talk about certain sex positions that are the best during every stage of pregnancy." Blayze face lights up along with other men in the room. Unlike the women, I'm the only one who is smiling excitedly. I'm ready to make love to husband again and I don't plan on waiting this long ever again. Just thinking about Blayze and I's wild sex makes my body heat up with desire. "The first trimester is sex slumps for most women. Women tend to be more tired and lose their sex drive." I nod my head in agreement with the instructor's words because that's exactly how I felt during my first trimester. My morning sickens was worst too due to the fact that I'm having twins. I excuse myself to use the bathroom something I've been doing a lot.

As I pee I look at my phone to see my Instagram post is lighting up with likes and comments. My photo has the most likes on Instagram. I'm the longest number 1 trending news on social media in social media history. I'm the second most followed person on Instagram and I love every single fan of mine. I just dropped Wilton's spring clothing line and I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from it. Apparently, my story on how I became the wife of a Billionaire is an inspiration to others and worth reading about.

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